Rabbi, can I talk to you?
He sits next to him.
I'm not like these other men. I mean,
they're good enough. But they're
weak. How are they going to fight
for you? They couldn't even fight
for themselves. Where'd you find
them? One's worse than the other.
This is no army.
I don't need soldiers.
You wanted me. And if I love somebody,
I'd die for them. If I hate somebody,
I'll kill them. I can even kill
somebody I love if he does the wrong
thing. Do you understand?
I understand.
The other day when you said turn the
other cheek to the man that hit you,
I didn't like that. Only an angel
could do that, only an angel or a
dog. I'm a free man. I don't turn my
cheek to anyone. You do need soldiers.
Will soldiers make me free?
You want freedom for Israel?
I want freedom for the soul.
First you free the body, then the
soul. You know that. The Romans come
The soul is first. If you don't change
what the soul needs, you'll only
replace Roman domination with another
domination and nothing'll ever change.
First you have to change man inside.
Then man can change what's around
him. It's wanting wealth and power
that makes the soul want to dominate
others. That's the wanting we have
to change, we have to free the soul
first. With love.
We all want that eventually. But
right now the only way is to start
from the bottom. You build a house
from the foundation up...
(he turns)
Who's there?
Andrew, sleepy-eyed, walks over, concerned:
It's me, Andrew. Is everything...
Go back to sleep. Judas and I are
Andrew turns and leaves. Judas waits, then speaks.
I still don't know who you are.
Neither do I.
Jesus and the Baptist are weary from hours of debate.
Isn't love enough?
No. The tree is rotten. You have to
take the ax and cut it down.
If I was a woodcutter, I'd cut. If I
was fire, I'd burn. But I'm a heart
and I love.
I'm a heart also but I can't love
what's unjust. I can't love evil.
What I can't love I attack. God
demands it. God demands anger.
Anger? Aren't we all brothers?
You think love is God's only way? Go
to the Dead Sea. Look in the bottom,
you'll see the two whores, Sodom and
Gomorrah. God was angry. He threw
fire at them, turned over the dry
land and the sea swallowed them up.
That's God's way. 'On the day of the Lord
[blood will flow from wood] and
the stones of the houses will come alive
and kill their owners!' That day is
here. He gave me the ax, now I give
it to you.
Welcome, Jesus. Congratulations.
You've overcome the small temptations
of a woman, a family. We're both
bigger than that. A woman's not
enough, we need the whole world.
Who are you?
I'm you. I'm your heart. Your heart
is so hungry. It pretends to be humble
but it secretly wants to conquer the
world. I will set my four feet down,
one in Babylon, one in Jerusalem,
one in Alexandria, the last in Rome.
I've never wanted a kingdom on earth.
The Kingdom of Heaven's good enough
for me.
The Lion's voice transforms into Judas':
You're a liar. You've always wanted
power. When you were making crosses
for the Romans in Nazareth, your
head was exploding with dreams of
power. You said it was God, but you
really wanted to rule others. Now
you will. Any country you want. All
countries. You will rule Babylon.
You will rule Jerusalem. You will
rule Alexandria. You will even rule
Jesus, shaking, reaches out toward the Lion.
Liar! Step into my circle so I can
pull out your tongue.
The Lion steps into the circle, and, as he does, disappears.
We see from over Jesus' shoulder. John the Baptist crouches
down into the frame, puts his hand on Jesus' shoulder and
Don't be afraid. You are the One. I
was the one who came before you. My
work is finished. Now I can die. The
Lord wants me to tell you to stand
up, his day is here. Take the ax.
Run and carry the message to men.
Jesus rises and strikes at the root of the tree with an ax.
Entire scene turns red.
Jesus calmly addresses a money-changer.
How's the exchange today? Making a
good profit?
Fair. Can I help you?
Jesus stares for a moment and then with one violent blow
sends the counter filled with coins sailing into the money-
changer's face.
Jesus, now enraged, strides past the booths, overturning the
tables. Scales, weights and coins from all over the world
scatter in every direction. The vendors rush to retrieve
their money.
Other vendors and customers turn on Jesus. Judas, Peter and
the others forcibly fight them off. Jesus calls out:
This is my Father's house. It's a
place for worship, not a bank, or a
The disciples circle Jesus for his protection. The RABBI,
surrounded by SADDUCESS, steps out of the temple.
Nazarene, what are you doing?
God doesn't need a grand house. He
doesn't need cyprus and bloody
animals. He doesn't need shekels.
You expect people to pay the tax in
Roman coins? They have images of
false gods on them. You want pagan
gods in the temple? All foreign coins
have to be changed to shekels. That
the law.
I abolish the law. I give a new law
and a new hope!
What, did God change his mind about
the old law?
No, no. He just thinks our hearts
are ready now to hold more.
(not listening)
This chaos is your new law? How can
you presume...
How can I presume? Because I am the
fulfillment of the old law and the
beginning of the new.
Watch what you're saying.
Peter, becoming concerned with the drift of this argument,
whispers to Jesus.
Maybe we should go...
Jesus pushes him away.
When I say, 'I,' Rabbi, I am saying
That's blasphemy!
Didn't you hear? I'm the Saint of
Blasphemy. Don't make any mistakes.
I haven't come to bring peace, I've
come to bring a sword.
Talking like that will get you killed.
I'm sick of all of you. This temple
will be destroyed in three days. One
stone won't be left standing on
another. You think God belongs only
to you?! He doesn't! God's an immortal
spirit and belongs to everybody --
to the whole world. You're not
special! God is not an Israelite!
The prophet Daniel had a vision. A
huge statue had a gold head, and
silver shoulders...
Don't tell me stories. I'm not a
dumb Jew.
Listen. Learn.
(daring him)
Go ahead. Teach me something.
The stomach was bronze, the legs
were iron, the feet were clay. A
stone was thrown. The clay feet broke
and the statue collapsed.
Is that it?
God is the thrower. I'm the stone.
Rome is the statue.
Clearly. But that's how you're going
to bring down the Roman Empire? One
stone? Only you?
Jesus again stands before Pilate. He is bloody, beaten,
exhausted from lack of sleep. A clique of Temple Guards,
Pharisees and Sadducess stand in one corner of the hall.
Ah yes. Well last time you took that
line with me, you fooled me. I don't
like to be fooled. What you did in
the temple makes it very clear. You're
just another of these religious
revolutionaries making difficulties.
You take the people into the desert,
you talk about God, love, mercy and
the new kingdom, but you're just the
same as the Zealots. You all promise
glory and bring death. There's a new
Messiah every week and a new one
dies every week and Rome continues.
Remember the statue. And the stone.
And the clay feet.
How could I forget. Still think your
kingdom will replace Rome?
No. My kingdom is not on earth.
No, it wouldn't be. You're a little
smarter than the others. After all,
what's a revolution on earth compared
to a revolution in people's hearts?
It's a revolution that will come
with love, not by the sword.
Either way it's dangerous. It's
against Rome. It's against the way
the world is. And either way, I don't
care. Sword or love, it's all the
same. I don't care how you want to
change things. We don't want them
changed. So you know what has to
happen. We have a small space for
you up on Golgotha. Right next to
the bones of your predecessors. Three
thousand skulls there, very likely
more by now. Maybe you people should
go out and count them sometime. Maybe
then you'd learn your lesson. But
probably not.
Pilate looks over at the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Do you gentlemen have anything to
We can't condone the killing of any
Jew. But everything this man does
and everything he says could lead to
revolution. We don't want revolution.
Action against a power like Rome is
hopeless. It invites reprisals that
would mean the extinction of the
Jewish people. It's the death of one
man against the death of millions.
There's no alternative for us.
Many of our own people believe this
man is being paid by Rome anyway.
Fine. It's agreed.
(to Jesus)
But just so people appreciate your
rank, we'll write it all out for
them. "King of the Jews."
Screenplay by
Paul Schrader
Based on a novel by
Nikos Kazantzakis