Chopra Center , Carlsbad , California , July 26, 2008
Michael Beckwith, Joan Borysenko, Gregg Braden, Rinaldo Brutoco, Thomas
Callanan, Deepak Chopra, Mallika Chopra, Dale Colton, Gordon, Dveirin,
Duane Elgin, Leslie Elkus, Barbara Fields, Debbie Ford, Ashok
Gangadean, Kathleen Gardarian, Tom Gegax, Charles Gibbs, Kathy Hearn,
Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Bruce Lipton, Judy Martin, Rod
McGrew, Steve McIntosh, Lynne McTaggart, Deborah Moldow, James O'Dea,
Carter Phipps, Wendy Craig-Purcell, Carolyn Rangel, Rustum Roy, Peter
Russell, Gerard Senehi, Emily Squires, Brian Swimme, Diane Williams,
Marianne Williamson, Tom Zender.
[more research is required regarding the rest of these names]
Working for Integrity in Commerce: Conscious businesses that are aware of the scope, depth, and long-range impacts of their actions are key to achieving sustainability. Business must become an ethical steward of the Earth's ecology and consciously establish an economic basis for a future of equitably shared abundance.
SECTION 6 of 6
As part of the imminent global transformation, the radical New Age leaders look forward to a "selection" among the human race. The elect of humanity will survive to enter the New Age. Many others will die - a prospect that these gurus view with cold equanimity. (Thus, it's reasonable to wonder whether those who foretell a "selection process" intend to kill their opponents, if they can.)
For several decades Barbara Marx Hubbard has predicted "personal extinction" for people who will not get with the New Age program: "A Quantum Transformation is the time of selection.... The species known as self-centered humanity will become extinct. The species known as whole-centered humanity will evolve." At this time, "humans capable of cooperating to self-transcend will do so"; "elements" who maintain "the illusion of separation will become extinct...just as Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal humans became extinct." In referring to undesirable people as "elements," she follows the example of the Nazis, the Communists, and others who dehumanize their opponents to justify destroying them. Hubbard warns that if the selection comes, it will be violent: "Either the good will prevail...or the violent selection of the self-centered will begin." For her, Satan is "part of the selection process...that will bring forth the self-elected from the self-rejected, so that...only those connected to the whole survive." Muller agrees that persons "who hold contrary beliefs" to those favored in the "next phase of evolution" will disappear; opponents of the UN and other "anti-evolutionary, blind, self-serving people" will have their souls "parked in a special corral of the universe for having been retarding forces, true aberrations in the evolution and ascent of humanity," a banishment to a spiritual Siberia.
The leaders of the New Age movement argue that the earth is overpopulated, and that radical measures are needed to defuse the "population bomb." In the 1940s - when world population was less than half what it is today - Bailey said, "certain physical restrictions should be imposed, because it is now evident that beyond a certain point the planet cannot support humanity." Ex-Catholic Matthew Fox has said, "Excessive human population is a grave's one of the reasons I joined the Episcopal Church, because of its open-minded and pragmatic view of birth control." In 1997 Gorbachev said, "for a certain transitional period families should limit themselves to one child."
Some of these compassionate people want to reduce Earth's population to two billion or less. In a November 1991 interview with The UNESCO Courier, Jacques-Yves Cousteau said: "World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day." That works out to 127,750,000 people per year, and 1.27 billion people to "eliminate" per decade. The eco-feminist theologian Rosemary Radford Ruether told those who attended a May 1998 ecological conference that "We need to seek the most compassionate way of weeding out people.... In place of the pro-life movement we need to develop the 'spirituality of recycling'...a spirituality that includes ourselves in the renewal of earth and self. We need to compost ourselves." Several months later Ruether told a national conference of Call to Action, a dissident Catholic organization, how many people must go onto the compost pile: "We must return to the population level of 1930" - about two billion people. What is discreetly unannounced is what to do with the 4 billion "surplus" people. Once again, the liberal death wish rears its head.
ce399 notes/(from comments with 'Jim'):
Barbara Marx Hubbard, New Age Global Genocide and Unity Church
ce399 notes/comment:
It's rather obvious to me that these so-called 'Indigo Children' are a psychological operations cover for the genetic modification of humans by the corporate state - or that particular aspect of the corporate state Huxley called the 'scientific dictatorship.'
they appeared on the scene at approximately the same time - the Reagan
Era: the beginning of the descent of the U.S. into complete
corporate/fascism - as the mass conversion of farming/ food supply in
the U.S to corporate/agribusiness controlled GMO.
Unity Church, Indigo Children, Implants, ET's and Eugenics
comment from 'Katie':
I hope everyone is aware that the United Nations is a HUGE promoter of global population control..... and right now, they are selling their newest population control agenda through the environmentalist movement, in a deceptive, all-encompassing document called the "Earth Charter."
Go to the Green Agenda website, and look at what the environmentalist population control advocates at the UN believe.... there are some scary quotes by Mikhail Gorbachev, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, and others. If you go to the section on the Earth Charter, you will see that the UN means to take control of each country around the world with the Earth Charter, and will probably turn into global government...
The Earth Charter promotes "sustainable development," based on the false Malthusian theory and the "population bomb" theory... The UN is trying to convince everyone that the world cannot "sustain" the global human population as it is.... so they offer the Earth Charter as a way to get the world back to "sustainability."
From what I understand, the world population is around 7 billion. According to the UN, the "sustainable" world population is around 500,000,000. So guess what? The UN truly intends to control the world population, and they are building support for their radical population control agenda through the Earth Charter.
"Overpopulation" is a DEADLY [Corporate Fascist - Eugenic] HOAX
The problem with arguments like the one about fitting the whole world's population inside an utopian suburb the size of the state of Texas is that it ignores the political reality of the world.
That may be true, however, in making his point, the author is simply attempting to expose the lie (more precisely the lie of "blaming the victims" - standard in the corporate fascist business model) that land distribution issues and hunger are a top-down intentional socio-political failure and NOT due to scarcity of food resources or land or overpopulation.
If the planet needs more human2.0 clones - whether they be corporate label clones or eco/freemarket clones/ or eco-socialist/anarchist clones is another issue entirely.
I do think, however, that most humans do (unconsciously) realize that their "genetic heritage" has been hijacked by the corporate state and subsequently internalize that unspeakable horror by continued participation in a system that is quite obviously at this point intentionally subverting their ability to co-exist and survive on this planet. THEY are doing this in order to test some transhumanist/social darwinist project THEY already KNOW is hardwired for failure.
I have wondered quite often recently if THEY have found human sustaining life on another planet and are therefore turning this one into a machine worker colony? If this admittedly perhaps far-fetched speculation is indeed true, then The RISE OF THE MACHINES (T3) is no longer the realm of science fiction or even metaphor.