26 May 2007
National Security Archive
Gelman Library
2130 H St NW Ste 701
Washington DC, District of Columbia 20037
1-202-994-7000 (T)
1-202-994-7005 (F)
I wish to thank you again for your excellent assistance and detailed
answers to my queries the other day on the telephone. Thanks again, you
were very kind, tolerant, and thoughtful.
As per our conversation of Friday, May 25, 2007, please mail all
available government documents (redacted or otherwise – I believe you
said there were thirty-five pages in total) regarding MK-ULTRA SubProject 130: Personality Theory, to the above listed mailing address.
You quoted me a price of $7.92 for attaining these documents. Please
find attached a money order in that amount for the aforementioned
The information that follows is primarily for my own personal
records, but also might be of interest to you, The National Security
Archive or other persons and organizations. What follows is by no means
new or original research and has been documented by a wide variety of
other researchers and authors in the past. (The exception being the
ACIM milleu’s connection to SRI-Scientology).
The following information essentially serves as a rough bullet point
outline and should not by any means be construed as a cohesive
narrative of events, past or present, regarding Dr. William Thetford or
the A Course In Miracles book.
Beware, the “critique” I engage in here (especially in the latter
half) is not “structuralist”. There are also the usual concerns
regarding “conspiracy theories”. I have extensively studied,
deconstructed and analyzed this term over the years. Please refer to
the following compendium of information regarding this subject.
Most of the following biographical information regarding Dr. William Thetford and A Course in Miracles is primarily available from online Wikipedia documents. As of this revision 3/2010, Wikipedia has deleted the criticism and controversy section from their ACIM page.
Dr. William Thetford, along with David Saunders, headed CIA
MK-ULTRA SubProject 130: Personality Theory, while at Columbia
University between 1971-1978.
Dr. Thetford’s Professional Vita (also available on the A Course in Miracles web site) makes reference to his involvement in a Personality Theory Research Project
while Professor of Medical Psychology at Columbia University, though
the information does not specifically cite this as a CIA MK- ULTRA
SubProject. (The information might have recently been altered to
reflect involvement in MK-ULTRA.)
Dr. William Thetford also directly assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a so-called ‘scribe’ in the initial transcription (or ‘channeling’) of the A Course in Miracles book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.
Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting Personality Theory experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time the A Course in Miracles book was published in 1975.
A Course in Miracles is commonly known as “the Bible of the New Age.”
The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena may have been funded by members involved with or employed by the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Menlo Park, California, as Remote Viewers at the time. One of the individuals with connections to SRI
was Judith Skutch, the president and founder of The Foundation for the
Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena, which, once again, originally
published A Course in Miracles in 1975.
Other researchers in this area have speculated that Judith Skutch’s
Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena may have even
been an outright front organization for the CIA. The publishing of A Course in Miracles may have been a CIA operation from the beginning.
It has also been claimed Skutch funded many of the early experiments
by Israeli telepath Uri Geller. Geller worked for SRI during this same
time period.
A Course in Miracles legal documents have revealed that
Skutch met with David Hurt (an engineer associated with SRI), Russell
Targ, Thetford and Schucman at a luncheon in 1974. Russell Targ was
co-founder of the Stanford Research Institute´s CIA funded Remote Viewing program
at SRI during this same time period. Targ´s collegue at SRI was chief
researcher Dr. Harold Puthoff. Puthoff was a high ranking ‘Operating Thetan’ for the Church of Scientology
and was also working under the auspices of the CIA’s MK-ULTRA program
along with Targ when this meeting took place. As previously stated,
William Thetford, the so-called co-’scribe‘ of ACIM, was also under the payroll of the CIA during the same period, conducting research under MK-ULTRA SubProject 130: Personality Theory at Columbia University.
In 1998 Russell Targ wrote a book entitled Miracles of Space. Targ and Scientology claim Targ was never a member of L. Ron Hubbard´s so-called ´church.´
According to the Washington Post of August 7, 1977, high-level ‘Operating Thetans‘ (Harold Puthoff, Pat Price, Ingo Swann) from the Church of Scientology were in charge of all Remote Viewing
and other related CIA mind control operations at Stanford Research
Institute under the auspices of CIA MK-ULTRA during this time period,
which began sometime in 1973. (See the Washington Post article of August 7, 1977, Psychic Spying?
by John L. Wilhelm regarding the connection between the Stanford
Research Institute, CIA mind control operations via MK-ULTRA and the
Church of Scientology.)
MK-ULTRA was ‘investigated’ by the US Congress’ Church Committee and
the group appointed by President Ford known as the Rockefeller
Commission in 1975. MK-ULTRA is now obviously a matter of public
record. As you stated, all of the scanned CIA MK-ULTRA documents are
available to the public from the CIA itself on CD-ROM format.
Fast forwarding to the present: Unity Church, a ‘Christian New Age’
tax exempt organization, with locations in numerous communities across
the United States, hosts many A Course In Miracles seminars on a weekly basis, and includes the information contained in the book as part of their regular ‘church services.’
I spoke with a woman named ‘Mxxxx’ at the Unity Church in Eugene,
Oregon, via telephone on Friday, May 25, 2007, and she stated Unity
Church holds seminars in A Course In Miracles twice a week. I
requested documentation from her to this effect via regular mail. She
claimed that she would comply with this request. And, I might add, she
seemed quite ‘happy’ and ‘joyful’ to mail any and all material made
available from the church.
Unity Church also sponsors or hosts UFO seminars with titles like: ´UFOs: Earth’s Cosmic Watergate´ and ´Flying Saucers ARE Real.’
These seminars espouse a ‘spirituality’ similar to those found in UFO
cults such as the former Heaven’s Gate in San Diego, California and the
Church of Scientology. Usually, the ‘information’ disseminated at
these UFO seminars claims that a giant, invisible UFO mother ship –
containing the spirits of deceased humans, famous leaders from history
and supernatural beings such as angels or even Jesus Christ himself –
is hovering just above the earth’s atmosphere.
The Scientology UFO ‘religious’ belief system is very similar, though
much more detailed, complicated and multifaceted. Part of
Scientology’s ‘creation mythos’ advocates passive acceptance of what
basically constitutes ‘galactic genocide’ as part of its cult
programming. Indeed, from the limited contact I have had with people
who have been programmed by these and other similar types of off shoot
UFO cult groups such as those found at Unity Church, advocacy of
euthanasia or suicide are causally incorporated into their belief
systems; even in their interpersonal relationships with others and are
completely devoid of any critical analysis as to the larger
implications of upholding such philosophies. Briefly, in this respect,
similarities to Aldous Huxley’s novel, Brave New World (1932) have come to mind.
Scientology is considered to be a destructive, totalitarian cult by the German government and other European countries and is highly regulated there.
Unity Church and A Course In Miracles are ultimately all about forgiveness and prayer; yet this forgiveness exists in a spiritual construct devoid of basic human social justice.
This construct basically constitutes the same old, repacked and
regurgitated snake oil peddled by ‘confidence men’ since the days of PT
Barnum. The mantra goes something like this: ‘God will take care of everything and God will forgive everything;’
and therefore, accountability, responsibility, and oversight are not
necessary. Thus, the organized crooks, mass murderers, torturers,
destroyers of culture, various two bit thugs and other assorted sub
humans are allowed to continue perpetuating their endless cycle of
banal criminality at the expense of the innocent and the powerless. As a
result, human justice and even human memory itself has now, for all intents and purposes, been eviscerated. This is the literal apotheosis of what the authors Gore Vidal and Studs Terkel have each separately called: ‘The United States of Amnesia‘ and ‘The United States of Alzheimer’s.‘
For example, in 2004, the A Course in Miracles website had an very interesting article regarding the Abu Graib Prisoner Abuse Scandal, in which it stated the following:
Let us, then, take a closer look at the Iraq prison scandal from the perspective A Course in Miracles gives us. We will be looking at the monstrous acts of other people, but the point is not to pass judgment on these people, but to use their example to illuminate ego dynamics common to all of us. I’m reminded of what Jesus once said to Helen [Dr. Helen Schucman] before giving an account of the ego lapses she and Bill [Dr. William Thetford] had
fallen into on a particular day: “There is nothing of special interest
about the events described below, except their typical nature”
(Absence from Felicity, by Ken Wapnick, p. 260). The “monster” revealed
by the Iraq prison scandal is all too typical, but if we are willing to look at it calmly, we will put ourselves in a position to let it go through forgiveness.
(What the Iraq Prison Abuse Scandal Reveals: Looking Calmly at the Monster and Letting It Go by
Greg Mackie. Circle of Atonement, P.O. Box 4238, W. Sedona, AZ 86340.
http://www.circlofa.org. [email protected], 1-928-282-0790.)
This is an excellent example of what many other commentators, researchers, and authors have coined New Age Fascism (also see: From UFO’s to Yoga)
and this particular type of mind control programming perfectly
compliments the fascism promoted by the Christian and Religious Right or
Right Wing Christian Evangelical movements in the United States. I
fail to see the fundamental difference between the views espoused by
Mr. Mackie above and the opinions communicated by Rush Limbaugh
on his talk show. They are both essentially being apologists for the
Bush Administration’s use of torture in conducting the so-called ‘War on Terror.‘
‘Students’ in A Course in Miracles programs (which evidently includes devotion to Oprah Winfrey
– who has avidly and enthusiastically promoted the book on her
television show) might also be involved in an experimental trauma
healing treatment program called See Morg Matrix, which includes hypnosis and the evisceration (or ‘clearing’) of memories. Other research in this area has referred to these techniques as ‘pseudo-therapies’.
Involvement in the Unity Church mind control and UFO cult usually
comes about through association with some form of unlicensed
‘therapist,’ healer or guru type figure. Possibly even ‘ordained
ministers’ in Unity Church serve dual functions as ‘counselors’ or
‘therapists.’ In other words, possible involvement with Unity religion
manifests itself as a result of someone seeking some form of
psychotherapy, usually to heal childhood or adult trauma and abuse.
An unfortunate possible result and side effect of an individual being
involved in this network of healing programs and therapies (and there
are many more which I have not mentioned in this brief overview) can be
the apparent disability of higher brain functions, including a basic
inability to think clearly and engage in basic relationship
psychodynamics. The book utilizes hypnotic, mantra-like repetition of
concepts which are, more often than not, logically incoherent and are
meant to brainwash and control the thoughts of the ‘student.’ I
personally know of one person who has been reading A Course In Miracles almost exclusively, (in other words, without reading anything else – like a New York Times
best seller, for example) for over twenty years. Indeed, these and
other similar types of side effects are relayed in the criticism section
from the A Course In Miracles web page documented by Wikipedia:
Some Doctrinal Christian apologists have considered it heretical or counterfeit. Author and Yogi, Joel Kramer, states that the Course could be considered a classic authoritarian example of programming thought to change beliefs.
Anton van Harskamp, a German scholar of religion, says that the Course
contains, “…endless variation on some universally meant insights in
life…” that, “…brings readers of the book, [or] in any case this
reader, [to] a mood in which bewilderment and boredom take turns”. Long
time teacher of the Course, Hugh Prather, notes that ACIM students
often become, “far more separate and egocentric,” with many ultimately, “[losing] the ability to carry on a simple conversation”. He admits that he and his wife Gayle, “…had ended up less flexible, less forgiving, and less generous than we were when we first started our path!
I believe that at the turn of the previous to the last century,
similar procedures were carried out through damage to, or the surgical
severing of, the nerve fibers connecting the pre frontal cortex to the
thalamus of the brain. These were known as lobotomies to the
functionaries at ‘Houses of Bedlam’ or asylums for the ‘insane.’ The end
result of the procedures described in the above previous paragraphs
is, in my opinion, basically the same as a lobotomy.
As mentioned previously, this letter is meant to be a brief overview of the connections between Unity Church, A Course In Miracles, CIA MK-ULTRA Artichoke Subproject 130 and the Stanford Research Institute.
There are many other high level individuals of dubious sanity who
espouse equally unsound philosophies surrounding the ACIM millieu. Some
of these individuals include: Lee Carroll (Kryon), who apparently
channels nonsense with the blessing and sanction of the United Nations
and Barbara Marx Hubbard, who openly advocates genocide. Further
information about these and other caustic so-called New Age leaders is
currently beyond the scope of this letter.
Though the MK-ULTRA program has been official declassified and
considered terminated, the effects of the damage wrought by this program
of psychological warfare (PSYOP) or ‘Mind War’ are still being felt in the year 2007.
Indeed, as I have stated in letters to Senator xx and Peter Dale
Scott, among many others, I suspect a new and more high-tech COINTELPRO /
MK-ULTRA hybrid domestic surveillance and harassment program may be
currently operational today in the United States and is currently being
used against US citizens.
One only need look at the stellar work of Nick Begich, MD, Mr. Kucinich in the House of Representatives (see HR 2977) and especially John J. McMurtrey, M.S., and his 2003 paper, Inner Voice, Target Tracking, and Behavioral Influence Technologies (see
previous link), to really understand the extent of the potentially
bottomless pit of a Pandora’s Box that has been opened by those Aldous
Huxley called the ‘power elite.’
As a side note, John J. McMurtrey’s aforementioned paper contains
eleven excellent and eye-opening pages of footnotes, with a great many
US Patent Office numbers issued for related inventions, dating back to
the early 1960’s. The complete document should still be available via
Wikipedia, keyword search: Microwave Auditory Effect or Microwave Hearing.
All of the patents referenced in that document are readily available
and easily accessible via the US Patent Office website complete with
abstracts, claims and detailed descriptions.
Of special interest is Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves, (United States Patent 3951134), which was issued in 1974, coincidentally, approximately the same year A Course In Miracles
was published (1975). To the best of my knowledge, the United States
Patent Office does not give patent numbers to inventions that do not
Similarly, Nick Begich, MD has done extensive research into the area
of what the US military calls the Microwave Auditory Effect, a
so-called non-lethal weapon capable of producing intra-cranial sound inside the head of a human target :
This area of research is one of the most important because it
points to the ultimate weapon of political control: the ability to place
information directly into the human brain, bypassing all normal
filtering mechanisms.
In 1995, the US Department of Defense put forward the contract,
“Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect; Awarding Agency:
Department of Defense; SBIR Contract Number: F41624-95-C-9007″. The
description of this technology, which would be used for direct communications with military personnel, is written as follows:
“Title: Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect. “Description:
An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that offers a
means of low-probability-of-intercept Radio Frequency (RF)
communications. The feasibility of the concept has been established
using both a low intensity laboratory system and a high power RF
transmitter. Numerous military applications exist in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations.”
(Mind Control: The Ultimate Brave New World, Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 13, Number 2, February – March 2006)
In the August 28, 2005 edition of the Washington Post, an article entitled Xtreme Defense by
Sharon Weinberger, stated that similar ’non-lethal’ weapons, as
previously described above, are currently being utilized by private
contractors and the US military in Iraq:
His latest is to use ultrasonic waves in the dazzler not just to
blind enemies, but also to convey messages in their heads, similar to
Gibbs’ Medusa project. Hearing voices from God is a ‘big thing’ in Arab
culture according to Bitar. “We flash-blind them. And, while
their eyes are shut, you could send a recorded message or deep guttural
voice that echoes in the inside of their head…“
There is absolutely no doubt that these and other similar types of
technologies and programs have been privatized and are being used
extensively in theatre today in the Middle East to combat the so-called ‘War on Terror.’ These technologies may also be exasperating the ‘civil wars’ currently raging in Iraq and the Occupied Territories in Palestine.
Ultimately, the point that really needs to be emphasized, above any
other is that which has been categorized as an ‘exotic or non-lethal
weapon’ is a form of information weapon (the book A Course In Miracles
serves a similar purpose – as an information weapon or a weapon of
propaganda). Thus, the warfare engaged in is an information type of
warfare (or PSYOP)
which, by default, constitutes propaganda. Propaganda or PSYOP, by its
very definition under US code is lying, speaking an untruth or
distorting the truth; as such, propagandizing the citizens of the US or
using PSYOP against the citizens of the US is a criminal act under the
current laws of the United States of America. [This law might have
been overturned by Patriot Act Two]
Most Sincerely,
Revised 7/2010
The problem with arguments like the one about fitting the whole world's population inside an utopian suburb the size of the state of Texas is that it ignores the political reality of the world.
That may be true, however, in making his point, the author is simply attempting to expose the lie (more precisely the lie of "blaming the victims" - standard in the corporate fascist business model) that land distribution issues and hunger are a top-down intentional socio-political failure and NOT due to scarcity of food resources or land or overpopulation.
If the planet needs more human2.0 clones - whether they be corporate label clones or eco/freemarket clones/ or eco-socialist/anarchist clones is another issue entirely.
I do think, however, that most humans do (unconsciously) realize that their "genetic heritage" has been hijacked by the corporate state and subsequently internalize that unspeakable horror by continued participation in a system that is quite obviously at this point intentionally subverting their ability to co-exist and survive on this planet. THEY are doing this in order to test some transhumanist/social darwinist project THEY already KNOW is hardwired for failure.
I have wondered quite often recently if THEY have found human sustaining life on another planet and are therefore turning this one into a machine worker colony? If this admittedly perhaps far-fetched speculation is indeed true, then The RISE OF THE MACHINES (T3) is no longer the realm of science fiction or even metaphor.