But in this fairy tale there is only one evil, the good that exists is either defeated, annihilated or driven away - Mikita Brottman Once Upon a Time in Texas (review of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre)
Referring here to UK Prime Minister Gordon (Demoniac Bourgeoisie) Brown’s recent Labour Party theme indicating: “a future fair for all.” (BBC 20/2/10) The "man on the street" was not really quite sure what to make of it all; especially when the PM followed this slogan with further coded eugenic language: "take a second look at us and take a long hard look at them." (THEM!)
Speaking of “fair”, they don’t call her Sarah “Palin” for nothing. And if you haven't yet noticed, “Sarah” keeps getting “paler and paler” by the minute with (digital intermediate) assistance from panopticon-enabling IBM-Life Services Nordic and IBM Life Services Haifa; in the same way “thoughts and personality are channeled into a synthetic body” (behind the scenes of Avatar). Fascist "bodies" indicate continued firm support for the make-believe Biblical Apartheid State of Israel. These are, of course, the undeniably "fairer" and “paler” ethnically non-Semitic "Jewish" American Zionist "Leftists" and Christian Zionists Fascist Bodies. All this whilst the "world" of "humans" keeps sinking deeper and deeper into the “sand” in “slow-mo” fashion.
The patronizing, arrogant, self-indulgent, schizophrenic, decadent, imperialist, unconscious fascist Baby Boomers seem to prefer living in this - a prefabricated "institutionalized insanitarium" of their own making. One-upmanship is the one-eyed patriarchal point of these spoilt sociopaths. The atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 must have had a disastrously degenerative effect on their collective genome. They (as in THEM!) have been bequeathed with all the make-believe "affluence" and "success" in the world; it couldn't have happened to a "fairer" and "paler" generation. Many blessings to the Creator for the gift of mortality when it comes to this pathetic group of dumbed-down sadistic bastards. Good riddance soon. - ce (bric-a-brac) 399
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