National Socialism is nothing but applied biology. - Rudolf Hess / Popular adage in the Third Reich.
The intellectual outlines of the eugenics Hitler adopted in 1924 were strictly America. He merely compounded all the virulence of long-established American race science with his fanatical anti-Jewish rage. Hitler's extremist race science, which in many ways seemed like a logical extension of America's own entrenched programs and advocacy, eventually helped shape the institutions and even the machinery of the Third Reich's genocide. By the time Hitler's concept of Aryan superiority emerged, his politics had completely fused into a biological and eugenic mindset.
War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race (2003) by Edwin Black. Pg. 270. ISBN# 1-56858-258-7
Old Navy Ads Imitate US Weekly
...the consequences of genetic advance are obscured by hype and conspiratorial clamors. Adding more fog, human genetics is now in many ways dominated by capital investment, and many revelations are subject to the eighteen-month initial secrecy of patent applications, the protracted strictures of Wall Street financing and the permanence of corporate nondisclosure agreements. Many areas of human science are now trade secrets. Twentieth-century corporate philanthropy has given way to twenty-first century corporate profits. Information is often controlled by public relations officers and patent attorneys. It takes a profoundly trained professional eye and a clear mind to separate fact from fantasy and blessings from menaces.
...humanity should also be wary of a world where people are once again defined and divided by their genetic identities. If this happens, science-based discrimination and the desire for a master race may resurrect. This time is would be different. In the twenty-first century it will not be race, religion or nationality, but economics that determines which among us will dominate and thrive. Globalization and market forces will replace racist ideology and group prejudice to fashion mankind's coming genetic class destiny. If there is a new war against the weak it will not be about color, but about money. National emblems would bow to corporate logos.
Newgenics may rise like a phoenix from the ashes of eugenics and continue along the same route blazed in the last century. If it does, few will be able to clearly track the implications because the social and scientific revolutions will develop globally and corporately at the speed of a digital signal. The process will manifest as gradual genetic-based economic disenfranchisement. First, newgenics will create an uninsurable, unemployable and unfinanceable genetic underclass.
The process has already started.
Black. pp 428-429.
ce399 notes:
the twenty-first century it will not be race, religion or nationality,
but economics that determines which among us will dominate and thrive.
Globalization and market forces will replace racist ideology and group
prejudice to fashion mankind's coming genetic class destiny. If there
is a new war against the weak it will not be about color, but about
money. In disagreement somewhat with Black on this point. The Eugenic Bomb
is a (silent) global Auschwitz. The goal of the Eugenic Bomb is to
eradicate ethnicity (meaning non-White) and standardize the human
'product.' This process is therefore racist at its most core,
microscopic level. The 'generically attractive' post-human at its most
virulent is (Sir)SPAM(alot) in humanoid form. The post-human is DEVOID
of SPIRIT - a soulless automaton with a literally hardwired,
machine-like consciousness. Main Entry: 1 a: marked by a rapid, severe, and destructive course
b: able to overcome bodily defensive mechanisms : markedly pathogenic
2: extremely poisonous or venomous3: full of malice : malignant 4:
objectionably harsh or strong
vir·u·lent Listen to the pronunciation of virulent
\ˈvir-ə-lənt, ˈvir-yə-\
Middle English, from Latin virulentus, from virus poison
14th century
— vir·u·lent·ly adverb
Related archives:
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Eugenic Bomb? (Part One) (The Global Genome: Biotechnology, Politics, and Culture)
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Eugenic Bomb? (Part Three) (The Global Genome: Biotechnology, Politics, and Culture)
I hesitate because I do not want to 'occupy' and 'spend' the rest of my existence on this planet studying the 'post-human' and related 'upgrades.'
Posted by: ce399 | 06 July 2009 at 10:06