There is no such thing as 'delusion' or 'hallucination' - Pablo Picasso
Image from The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean
The ability to codify "madness as mental illness" within the rubric/construct of "biological psychiatry."
[Jung: education of the patient - most important in diagnosis.]
Genealogy of the abnormal individual:
1. The great monster
2. The little masturbator
3. Recalcitrant child.
Cannot be integrated within the normative system of education. 1867 examples. (Case studies).
Permanent stigmata that branded the individual structurally. [ie. anthropometry/eugenics/psychiatry.]
[Nazi blood ritual - Holocaust - burnt offering.]
[Lacan - Mirror > Stigmata from the (Freudian-primal) father.]
None of the elements constitute either a cause or even a principle for triggering illness.
The deformities of the body are, as it were, the physical and structural outcomes of this conduct and the aberrations of conduct are its instinctual and dynamic outcomes (social illness).
It is this immobilization of life, conduct and performance around childhood that essentially makes psychiatry possible. (lifelocked infant - infantilism.)
The degenerate is someone who, at all events, cannot be cured.
- Michel Foucault. Abnormal. 19 Mar 1975.
Psychiatry as a social defense at the end of the nineteenth century, starting with the problem of anarchy and social disorder, political crime. Social defense and the psychiatry of order.
History of Madness. Foucault. Madness was made possible by all that milieu that repressed in man of his animal nature...madness then became the other side of progress. By multiplying mediations, civilisation offered men ever increasing means to become insane. (p. 374)
The insane are not entirely strangers to the world of reason, but demonstrated instead something like a reason perverted, or reason that went off the rails with each movement of the spirit.
["Ubu-esque" descriptions]
( 'progress.')
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May I recommend a book I'm currently reading, you might find it of interest:
Cases of Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation in the Jails of Nuremberg.
Posted by: Barbwire Jim | 11 July 2009 at 19:58