Phase I Summary Report
Contact Information
Government Contact
Mr. George Gibbs
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (703)432-3676
Point of Contact
Dr. Lev Sadovnik
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (949)253-4019
Fax: (949)253-4089
Firm Information
WaveBand Corporation
17152 Armstrong Avenue
Irvine, California 92614-5718
United States
Award Details
Contract #
Award Amount
Phase I Program
Start / End Date
11/19/2003 - 05/19/2004
FY Reported
Remote Personnel Incapacitation System
Summary Information
Objective of Phase Effort
The main goal of the Phase I project wad to design and build a breadboard prototype of a temporary personnel incapacitation system called MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio). This non-lethal weapon is based on the well established microwave auditory effect (MAE). MAE results in a strong sound sensation in the human head when it is irradiated with specifically selected microwave pulses of low energy. Through the combination of pulse parameters and pulse power, it is possible to raise the auditory sensation to the “discomfort” level, deterring personnel from entering a protected perimeter or, if necessary, temporarily incapacitating particular individuals.
Summary of Results from the Phase I Effort
The major results of the Phase I effort were that - An operating frequency was chosen - Hardware requirements were established (commercial magnetron, high-voltage pulse former) - Hardware was designed and built - Power measurements were taken and the required pulse parameters confirmed - Experimental evidence of MAE was observed
Potential Applications and Benefits
Potential applications of the MEDUSA system are as a perimeter protection sensor in deterrence systems for industrial and national sites, for use in systems to assist communication with hearing impaired persons, use by law enforcement and military personnel for crowd control and asset protection. The system will: be portable, require low power, have a controllable radius of coverage, be able to switch from crowd to individual coverage, cause a temporarily incapacitating effect, have a low probability of fatality or permanent injury, cause no damage to property, and have a low probability of affecting friendly personnel.
I was one of the particular individuals that was incompacitated on 1-1-2001. they incompacitated me all night while laughing and threatening that they were going to shot and kill me. The weapon sounded like blasting crickets or exactly like LRADS attack mode. You can't help but try to cover your ears and your body from the attack. All the undigested food in me was gurgling through me at a rappid rate you could here it. I called it being radiated and althetes foot was gone for two weeks so it must have killed all the bacteria in my body. I was just shaking and pissing brown by morning and called an ambulance, it was diverted to an obscure hospital in my district. The Naval war college at the New Port Naval Base is also in my district and Patrick Kennedy is my congressmen. The hospital that I went to had me committed and they continued non-lethal weapons testing on me with these through wall microwave weapons and at least one infra-sound weapon. They tortured the shit out of me and tried to force me to commit suicide. I guess they were celibrating the billions in contracts that would be coming.
One other thing is they changed the records so I have a missing day they record me being admitted a day later than I actually was at the first hospital. I now assume they checked me out before the continued torture and possibly chipped me to monitor me further down the line.
My brother is a nuclear engineer and was trained by the nuclear Navy and GE to run nuclear subs and reactors. He quick after being qualified and they said they would black ball him. he went on to get a degree in industrial engineering and went into computers. Later he became a lawyer.
I beginning to see a pattern where the military and law enforcement attack the people around the person they are after, pricks.
Peter Rosenholm
Posted by: Peter Rosenholm | 22 March 2009 at 15:51
Posted by: Eld | 23 March 2009 at 02:57
New Auschwitz concentration camp
1. Crimes, Lies, and Mind Control :
2. Defeating the Totalitarian Lie:
3. ...Nazis started before World War II ...:
4. New World Order and Nazi Germany - Operation Paperclip
5. ... The Nazis continued their work in developing mind control ...
7. Fourth Reich:
8. Towards a New World Order?
9. Nazis Plotted Post-WWII Return
10. ...the German experiments in mind control, genetics, and hybridization ...
11. CIA-Nazi-Corporate:
12. Hitler was hypnotized during the World War I
13. Big Brother is watching you
14. The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America (Hardcover)
Posted by: Eols | 19 April 2009 at 11:20