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    Coca has been, ancestrally, a sacred leaf. We, the indigenous, have had a profound respect toward it... a respect that includes that we don't "pisar" it (the verb "pisar" means to treat the leaves with a chemical substance, one of the first steps in the production of cocaine). In general, we only use it to acullicar: We chew it during times of war, during ritual ceremonies to salute Mother Earth (the Pachamama) or Father Sun or other Aymara divinities, like the hills. Thus, as an indigenous nation, we have never prostituted Mama Coca or done anything artificial to it because it is a mother. It is the occidentals who have prostituted it. It is they who made it into a drug. This doesn't mean that we don't understand the issue. We know that this plague threatens all of humanity and, from that perspective, we believe that those who have prostituted the coca have to be punished. - former Bolivian guerrilla leader and presidential candidate Felipe Quispe 2002 via Rigorous Intuition (link)

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12 June 2008



Essentially a "double bind."


While I could care less about the pompous New Age posers, your blind 'pro-life' stance is equally annoying. I suppose you won't be happy until there are so many people on the planet that we have to stack ourselves on each other. You think humans are more important than all other parts of the Creation. The Catholic Church's stand against birth control at this time in history is criminal. We are now a parasitic infection that has gotten out of control, and the Earth will ultimately find a way of dealing with our inability to control ourselves, since we obviously never will. There is great spiritual value in wide open spaces where people AREN'T. Personally, I look forward to the die-off, because it means religions and governments will be weakened. Yay!!! In the meantime, how about we ship all orphans in Catholic countries to the Vatican and force those phonies to take care of all the children that have resulted from their stupid policies. If you won't take care of the homeless children born because of your idiotic, criminal refusal to use birth control, then you shouldn't be allowed to take part in discussions about overpopulation, period...


Personally, I look forward to the die-off, because it means religions and governments will be weakened.

Please expand on this - how governments/religions will be weakened by the "die-off"?

On one level, the only segments of the global human population currently "dying-off" are those deemed unfit to use their (as in THEM!) definition of "complex tools."

You might want to read through the following previous archive entries before responding:

Ars Electronica (not to be mistaken with Ars Electronics of Van Nuys, California), a prestigious digital art and music competition, electronic music festival, and symposium (based in Linz, Austria), advocated genocide for populations 'unfit' to adapt to their transhumanist agenda in an announcement from their 1996 festival.


Plenty of Food, Land

Productivity matters more than other statistical measures because it demonstrates we’re doing more with less. That’s why, for example, starvation is a political disaster, not a natural one. There’s literally too much food in the world. There’s also plenty of land left. You could move the entire world population inside medium-sized homes and they’d all fit inside Texas, yielding a population density similar to that of Paris.


Btw, in my opinion, the "great die-off" (EVERY HUMAN ON THE PLANET) has already occurred. As John Lydon said in the 1999 documentary The Filth and The Fury: "Only the fake survive."

Thanks for commenting on ce399.


Yeah, the Ars Electronica people in Austria are just rehashing the same old white supremacist crap that has been bouncing around Europe for centuries.

The author of the overpopulation 'hoax' article missed the boat on productivity, since the increase in productivity during the past century was due to the use of petroleum-based fertilizers, pesticides, and mechanization to mine centuries of fertility from the topsoil. An unsustainable trend that produced nutritionally deficient food at a high cost to the environment.

The problem with arguments like the one about fitting the whole world's population inside an utopian suburb the size of the state of Texas is that it ignores the political reality of the world. Our world is controlled by a cabal of powerful superwealthy people loosely confederated into groups like the Bilderbergers, the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission, who not only have no interest in a world shared equally by all, but who will also crush anyone who attempts to create such a world. Until these people are confronted and stripped of the positions of power they have gathered to themselves, adding more people to the human population is just pouring gasoline on the fire. Since most people either do not believe this plutocracy exists, or don't believe it actually intends to control the whole planet, or just simply don't care, the eventual (planned?) collapse of civilization and the human population is a virtual certainty. While the die-off will probably result in the "weakening of governments and religions" because it will destroy power bases and command structures, perhaps this is just an empty hope on my part. Perhaps the new techno-priests will merely emerge from their underground bases after the dust clears, fully equipped with the resources they have been stockpiling, to better herd the remaining population.

We just do not need more people now, we need the people we already have to use their time more wisely and effectively to apply pressure and exposure to those who would control everything. Personally, I think it is already too late, since most of the human population is either totally involved in merely surviving, or is actually in favor of the way things are. A final thought: What is wrong with selecting OUT certain traits like excessive hairiness, obesity, or genetic diseases? Sounds like a really good idea to me.


...the Ars Electronica people in Austria are just rehashing the same old white supremacist crap that has been bouncing around Europe for centuries.

Transhumanism is a new, different and more sinister machine variant built for the 21st Century.

We just do not need more people now, we need the people we already have to use their time more wisely and effectively to apply pressure and exposure to those who would control everything.

In addition, if one were to accept the "U.S. is Afghanistan" notion - a failed state - more than just pressure and exposure are required against the ruling elite. What is further required is a massive reeducation program similar to that undertaken in Nicaragua after the 1979 revolution and more recently what has taken place during the ascendancy of Hugo Chavez - that is - to essentially give "people" (if one were to still call human2.0 human with a human spirit or part human/part machine spirit*)the tools to co-exist and survive in a world without capitalism.

I believe some small pockets of Europe (Greece for example) and Latin America (Chiapas) at the present time can co-exist without much interference from government or large corporations.

Look to the events in France during 1968 for inspiration: the first general wildcat strike ever in the history of the world...

...more tomorrow...


The problem with arguments like the one about fitting the whole world's population inside an utopian suburb the size of the state of Texas is that it ignores the political reality of the world.

That may be true, however, in making his point, the author is simply attempting to expose the lie (more precisely the lie of "blaming the victims" - standard in the corporate fascist business model) that land distribution issues and hunger are a top-down intentional socio-political failure and NOT due to scarcity of food resources or land or overpopulation.

If the planet needs more human2.0 clones - whether they be corporate label clones or eco/freemarket clones/ or eco-socialist/anarchist clones is another issue entirely.

I do think, however, that most humans do (unconsciously) realize that their "genetic heritage" has been hijacked by the corporate state and subsequently internalize that unspeakable horror by continued participation in a system that is quite obviously at this point intentionally subverting their ability to co-exist and survive on this planet in order to test some transhumanist/social darwinist project THEY already KNOW is hardwired for failure.

I have wondered quite often recently if THEY have found human sustaining life on another planet and are therefore turning this one into a machine worker colony? If this admittedly perhaps far-fetched speculation is indeed true, then The RISE OF THE MACHINES (T3) is no longer the realm of science fiction or even metaphor.


Yeah, another key weakness of the pro-procreationists is that fresh drinking water isn't infinitely available. I still say there is incalculable value in empty (of humans), open space. No, we don't need more clones, of any flavor.

The only thing that prevents any humans in any age from being some sort of clone is the intentional action of applying one's individual awareness to their life. All other activity is just playing out a program, and we have always been mere machines otherwise.

As far as THEM placing second bets on a home base, I don't think it is too far-fetched to speculate about Mars at least, if not other nearby systems, since the technology necessary for interstellar travel was apparently acquired decades ago. Even if you don't believe that, just check out the resolution of the photography from the University of Arizona/HiRISE project, and you will see we are checking THAT place out real, real close. HMMMM. They know there's plenty of water there, and there are localized magnetic fields capable of providing SOME protection. Perhaps with a little tweaking, things could be made liveable?

Hey, thanks for the well done, thought-provoking site. Good job.


Are you James Bamford?

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