The federal ICE, which already runs two such
facilities, is taking bids for as many as three more. Critics say
detaining families is punitive and unnecessary.
The federal government is accepting bids for up to three new family
detention centers that would house as many as 600 men, women and
children fighting deportation cases.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued a call for proposals last
month and set June 16 as the deadline. New facilities are being
considered on both coasts and on the Southwestern border. The agency
calls for minimum-security residential facilities that would provide a
"least restrictive, nonsecure setting" and provide schooling for
children, recreational activities and access to religious services.
Family detention has been condemned by human rights groups and
immigrant rights organizations as punitive and unnecessary. But
immigration authorities said it ensures that immigrants show up for
their court hearings and leave the country when ordered deported.
"Family detention has had the desired impact," ICE spokeswoman Kelly
Nantel said. "We don't see as many families coming across the border.
That automatic pass is no longer there."
There are currently two family facilities -- a former nursing home in
Pennsylvania and a former prison in Texas. The T. Don Hutto detention
center in Taylor, Texas, opened in 2006 and faced protests and lawsuits
within the year charging that the children were living in substandard
conditions. A settlement resulted in changes in how the children are
New facilities would allow the government more flexibility and enable
the agency to keep families together, Nantel said. In Los Angeles this
week, three illegal immigrant mothers and their toddlers, including one
American child, were among about 60 people discovered at a drop house
used by smugglers. Because there is no family facility nearby, the
women and children are being housed in a private shelter.
The American Civil Liberties Union criticized the proposed plan to open new family detention centers.
"After the horrible conditions that were revealed at the Hutto
facility, it is very disappointing that the government appears to want
to produce more immigration prisons for families and children," said
Ahilan Arulanantham, a staff attorney at the Southern California office.
Arulanantham said most families do not pose a safety or flight risk and
should not be detained. Instead, he said, they should post bonds, wear
electronic monitors or be part of an intensive supervision program.
"There are other ways to deter illegal immigration without imprisoning
children," he said. "This shows that we have become addicted to
incarceration as a method to solving our problems, which it is
obviously not."
In extreme cases, Arulanantham said, he could see families being housed
in some sort of halfway house, but not a former prison run by a private
prison company.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement plans to review the proposals and
make a decision within several months, Nantel said. The bids could come
from county governments or private companies. The facilities would
house up to 200 people each, about 150 juveniles and 50 adults.
Authorities estimate detainees would be kept at the center for between
20 and 30 days.
The proposal calls for minimal security facilities and refers to the
centers as residential family shelters, but says the contractor should
structure programs "designed to prevent escapes" and should provide a
plan that "monitors resident movement and physically counts residents."
Nobody with a criminal record would be admitted.
Corrections Corp. of America senior vice president Damon Hininger said
he was aware of the request for proposals and that the company was
"taking a look at it." The company already runs several immigration
detention centers, including Hutto.
Hutto has 450 beds, and as of last week there were about 150 people
being held in family detention there. If new facilities are built,
Nantel said the agency would consider transferring the families out of
Hutto and using it as an adult immigration detention center.
"Running a residential facility in what was a former prison, that was a
challenge," she said. "There have been lessons learned out of Hutto."
When the center opened, children were given hospital scrubs to wear,
forbidden to have toys and allowed only one hour of recreation per day,
attorneys said. As a result of the settlement, children are allowed to
wear pajamas, move freely around the center and bring toys into their
rooms. There also have been changes made to the facility, including
adding individual bathrooms, adding murals and replacing metal doors.
Given the national security goals of the Department of Homeland
Security, advocates said they are skeptical about future family centers.
"They really do have this penal system model in their heads," said
Andrea Black, coordinator of Detention Watch Network, a coalition
advocating reform of immigration detention and deportation. "I think
it's going to be challenging for them to actually be able to run a
family facility that is nonpunitive given their current philosophy and
The need to imprison families stems from the presence of so many
illegal families sneaking across the border or hiding in the United
States, said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for
Immigration Studies, a nonprofit group that advocates a reduction in
the number of immigrants.
"This is really recognizing the realities of the illegal alien
population," he said. "They used to let everybody out and trust them to
come back. That hasn't worked out, to say the least. This is simply the
pendulum moving back the other way."
Anna Gorman
Los Angeles Times