"Vice President Burroughs," 1964:
The basic nova mechanism is very simple: Always create as many insoluble conflicts as possible and always aggravate existing conflicts...At any given time recording devices fix the nature of absolute need and dictate the use of total weapons--Like this: Take two opposed pressure groups--Record the most violent and threatening statements of group one with regard to group two and play back to group two--Record the answer and take it back to group one--Back and forth between opposed pressure groups--This process is known as "feed back" --You can see it operate in any bar room quarrel--In any quarrel for that matter--Manipulated on a global scale feeds back nuclear war and nova--These conflicts are deliberately created and aggravated by the nova criminals--The Nova Mob..."Mr. & Mrs. D," also known as 'Mr. Bradly Mr. Martin" also known as "The Ugly Spirit" thought to be the leader of the mob--The Nova Mob--In all my experience as an officer I have never seen such total fear and degradation on any planet--We intend to arrest these criminals and turn them over to the Biological Department for the indicated alterations...
Nova Express (1964) by William Seward Burroughs, Pgs 53-54
Unfortunately the Freedom of Information Act can only pry loose scant information on electronic mind control and most of MKULTRA's work in this area remains secret. The earliest reference to remotely-applied electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) is a 1959 document pertaining to MKULTRA Sub-project 94 and shows that a great deal of research was carried out in this area. A 350-page CIA manual dating from 1963 asserted that the Agency had mastered a technology called RHIC-EDOM (Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory). Together, these techniques can allegedly remotely induce hypnotic trance, deliver suggestions to the subject and erase all memory for both instruction period and the act which the subject is asked to perform.
Download mind_control_and_inteligence_services.pdf
also see:
MK-ULTRA SubProject 130: Personality Theory
The writer William Burroughs spent his whole life examining the human condition, concluding a mechanism of control exists in the universe blinding people to their true nature. In Mind War/The Adding Machine, Burroughs writes of the creation of a state of fear dominated by elitists who manipulate powerful psychic forces:
At the top [of the elitist state] would be a theocracy trained in psychic control techniques implemented by computerised electronic devices that would render opposition psychologically impossible. Entry to this privileged class would be permitted only to those whose dedication to the world state was absolute and unquestioning. In short, you don’t get in by merit or ability but by being an all around one hundred percent shit. Under this ruling elite of power addicts would consist of an anonymous service collective of functionaries, managers, and bureaucrats. And below them the slave workers. There would be no place for dissent or independent research. The troublesome artist would be eliminated or absorbed. The elite lives happily ever after, at the top of a control state that makes 1984 seem cosy and nostalgic.
Posted by: ce399 | 28 December 2008 at 18:48