August 3, 2006
Dear Senator,
Attached is a letter I mailed to your Montgomery St. office dated July 12, 2006, which apparently never arrived. I am therefore faxing the letter per the recommendation of your caseworker. I have since modified and supplemented the information in the original letter to reflect a certain amount of urgency as a result of new research I have done and new information that has come to my attention. (See attached examples: Democracy Now! transcript regarding Strategic Defense Initiative or SDI type weapons being deployed in Iraq, Parameters US Army War College article on exotic ‘information’ weapons, Washington Post article on ‘acoustic weapons--’ to site a few basic examples--...) Please expedite this request as soon as possible, as my retrieval of this information via FOIA has been delayed almost three weeks. As with previous instances this year with mysterious USPS ‘service failures’ involving my personal mail, the USPS has been unable to provide sufficient answers regarding lost packages, mail delays (even to non-Washington DC and non-official addresses) and apparent envelope tampering. I suspect this behavior may be attributed to a new ‘COINTELPRO‘ type domestic surveillance and harassment operation that may be part and parcel of not only the NSA eavesdropping activities recently detailed in the media, but also of technologies and capabilities which may or may not be detailed in supporting DoD documents regarding HR 2977, which I am requesting in my FOIA submission pending your reply. As you may know or suspect, the regular US mail correspondence to and from your office (regional or otherwise) may be in the process of being monitored, tampered with, or intercepted, and the pretext for such an intrusion has been cited as ‘heightened security measures.’
Thank you for your time and attention.
July 13, 2006
Dear Senator,
I wish to file a Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) request for all available documents pertaining to HR 2977 ‘Space Preservation Act of 2001’ introduced by Mr. Kucinich in the House of Representatives, 107th Congress, 1st Session on October 2, 2001, specifically documents related to psychotronic weapons systems. I am an individual U.S. citizen seeking this information for my personal use only. Can your office please help me identify these documents as specifically as possible?
Additionally, please provide me with any possible information or referrals your office may be aware of regarding class action lawsuits as a result of United States citizens being targeted by the DoD, DIA or private corporations with the technologies (space based or otherwise) detailed in HR 2977... I would be more than willing to provide any documentation or testimony of my own personal experiences with these ‘electronic harassment’ and ‘intrusion’ systems, as to aid in or join any possible existing or proposed class action lawsuits against private corporations or the DoD. I have reason to believe these weapons systems are indeed operational, have been operational to one extent or another in prototype form since 1987 (which corresponds approximately to the unprecedented spike in U.S. consumption of Prozac and other pharmaceutical usage), and have been one of the main thrusts of the R & D behind the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). It is my opinion that if these systems are indeed in place and operational, they would constitute the most egregious violation of human rights ever perpetrated on humanity. The potential for continued abuse by the deployment of these weapons systems against United States citizens; in addition to the continued medical fraud perpetrated on the citizens of the United States by the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association and the pharmaceutical industry, as a possible result of the deployment of these Department of Defense weapons systems, could very well be documented by future historians as the worst crimes ever perpetrated on humanity.
Thank you for your time and attention.
also see:
And by the are all under arrest.
Posted by: ce399 | 17 January 2008 at 15:06