"They [the Dark Brothers] keep themselves from the kisses
of my Mother Babylon, and in their lonely fortresses they pray to the
false moon. And they bind themselves together with an oath and with a
great curse.
Yet of their own poison do they perish, and in
their lonely fortresses shall they be eaten up by Time that hath
cheated them to serve him, and by that mighty devil Choronzon, their
master, whose name is the Second Death..." -Aleister Crowley, The Book of Thoth (Egyptian Tarot)
A work in progress at al-keme | research archive. Continue reading here.
Choronzon fights the controllers; Choronzon is the incarnate Chaos:
Posted by: DMT | 25 October 2007 at 17:25
Thank you for your comment. The particular blog entry you are commenting on is a work in progress and is not yet finished. I hesitate to comment further, because this will open a veritable Pandora's Box of detail too nuanced to do the subject matter any degree of justice at this time. Please check back later.
Posted by: ce399 | 25 October 2007 at 18:03