Hunter by Andrew Macdonald (aka Dr. William Pierce) founder of the National Alliance and author of the Turner Diaries.
"Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, owner of the DailyKos website, now
admits that he spent six months in the employ of the US Central
Intelligence Agency in 2001," writes Holland. "In a one-hour interview
on June 2, 2006 at the Commonwealth Club, Moulitsas, also known as
'Kos,’ admitted that he was a CIA employee and would have 'no problem
working for them’ in the present."--Kurt Nimmo
I don't have time at the moment to put together a cohesive entry on the connections between Daily Kos, the CIA and some of the 'left gate keeping' that goes on at Markos Moulitsas Zúniga's blog; specifically from that long-winded, blowhard, 'pseudo anti-fascist,' and highly annoying Dave Neiwert.
Even when Dave Neiwert is 'left' he's 'right.' As a privileged Baby Boomer, it's Dave's God-given birthright to always be 'right.' He is a 'diarist' at Daily Kos (a possible CIA front) and posts as 'Hunter,' which is also a book published by the National Alliance, founded and formerly run by the now deceased Dr. William Pierce. As stated, Neiwert is a 'pseudo anti-fascist' and his research into the Bush Family and Nazism is, at best, abysmal and shoddy misinformation.
Here is an excerpt:
In the end, it should be fairly clear that the grounds for claiming that the Bush forebears were "Nazis" are thin and largely nonexistent. However, that does not relieve them of culpability, moral and otherwise, for their roles in the rise of the Nazis.
Prescott Bush should have been tried and executed--hung by the neck from the gallows at
Nuremberg--along with all the IG Farben 'executives' and the other miscellaneous subhuman US corporatist-fascist
trash who financed the Third Reich. I suppose that trading with the enemy, money laundering, collaborating, aiding and abetting and acting as an enabler for enemy Nazi agents is not 'Nazi' enough for the 'high-brow' Mr. Neiwert. What a load of 'bourgie' shinola:
This is its essence [quoting from Leggiere]:
There are sharp distinctions between the "Bush is a Nazi" vulgarizations of the conspiranoia-ists, and the documented corporate-Nazi connections delineated by Simpson or Aaron. Where one sees ideology, the other sees opportunism. Where one sees intention, the other sees unintended consequences. The theorists who see this historical episode not as evidence of Nazism but of business-as-usual are clearly the more sophisticated of the bunch, but this is small comfort. The results were (and are) the same.
Peter Levenda most eloquently elaborates on a concept in Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft (Book One: The Nine) that I have also referred to in the past, and it's worth repeating again, because it is a very basic idea that Mr. Neiwert (in his unnecessary role as 'solicitor') fails to comprehend:
...the late investigative journalist Gary Webb once wrote that research into the spectral realms of covert operations and parapolitics (or deep politics) will, in many instances, never really yield the cut and dry empirical data as evidence required, for example, in a court of law. There is no judge or jury here; therefore, the subject of this particular investigation need not be found guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. Such is the nature of this particular Beast. Unfortunately, many 'consumers' of what basically constitutes speculative inquiry do not understand this concept.
As mentioned above, Peter Levenda does a more thorough and comprehensive job explaining this concept, and it is my intention to reproduce his words here in a subsequent entry.
Also see Carl Bernstein's article from a 1977 edition of Rolling Stone magazine on the The CIA and the Media (aka Operation Mockingbird).
Please refer to the following 'interaction' (more precisely... an intentionally futile and absurdist exercise in 'frequency jamming') with Mr. Neiwert (aka 'Hunter') himself from Daily Kos of May 10, 2006.
(As a side note, I was summarily banned from Kos after this 'altercation--' and this is classic.)
No one should trust these fuckers or give them the time of day... or a fucking cent.
Gate Keeping 101 (0+ / 0-)
Quite a massive'Hunter.' Lots of 'thick meat' to cut into there.
But I would caution whiners of the petulant angry left talking point that you might spend a wee speck of time contemplating the reasons for that anger, because it's not going away anytime soon.
Reasons? Do you address the actual reasons in your diary. No.
My own objection to the Iraq War -- and the objection of nearly every other so-called "serious" critic of the war, in fact -- is that it fundamentally and quite predictably doomed the actual war on terrorism from the start...
Oh really? Serious critics eh? I see...
I suppose this reason isn't serious enough...for so-called 'serious' critics as yourself.
The above is a textbook example of something called Gate Keeping.
There are many more examples hidden away in the supposed 'bleeding heart liberal bias' of 'Hunter' here.
Here's a little hand in the form of a keyword:
I could spend the rest of the afternoon dissecting your 'diary' for little 'Gate Keeping' tricks.
Who's going to clean up the autopsy table of ‘body parts’ after such a procedure, sir?
Someone once told me that there’s no such thing as a ‘former’ military man...or something to that effect. Those might have been very prescient words.
BTW...why are you called 'Hunter?'
by Fraulein Anna on Wed May 10, 2006 at 03:31:45 PM PDT
Fraulein Anna, may I ask what (0 / 0)
the meaning of gate keeping is? I am not familiar with that expression and don't know what you liked to express with it.
"False language, evil in itself, infects the soul with evil." ----Socrates
by mimi on Wed May 10, 2006 at 07:35:33 PM PDT
[ Parent ]
(0 / 0)
Think for Yourself.
by Fraulein Anna on Wed May 10, 2006 at 08:26:52 PM PDT
[ Parent ]
Gate Keeping 101a (0 / 0)
I'd say that the Republican party is pro-war to an astonishingly homogeneous degree, but opinions in the center and on the left are decidedly more nuanced. You won't find too many in those days who argued against a military response to 9/11, though you will find large numbers who warned against an ineffective military response.
What exactly is this suppose to mean, 'Hunter?'
Let me guess...does it have something to do with beer, pretzels and Super Bowl Sunday?
by Fraulein Anna on Wed May 10, 2006 at 03:38:55 PM PDT
Gate Keeping 102
(0 / 0)
"Minutemen" culled from hate groups
Oh yes, from the 'antifascist' 'researcher' who never once mentions Zionism and Israel. And makes it a habit of deleting valid reader comments when they contradict his version of the 'truth.'
Behind every Bush lurks an Emmanuel Goldstein.
You’re all **&^%$% Neocons as far as I’m concerned.
There is no opposition party in the good ole' US of A.
by Fraulein Anna on Wed May 10, 2006 at 03:45:28 PM PDT
You know, (0 / 0)
You're going to have to back that one up.
Yes, I understand -- my last two posts make me Hitler, because I didn't mention Zionism or Israel. My last post about the obvious failures of conservatism, after all, pegged me as a member of the "National Alliance", in your book. Kos, Kerry, and the YearlyKos volunteers are also Hitler, and the purity of your position hurts my eyes in its dazzling lily-white brilliance, etc., etc. Fine. But you're going to have to explain that "deletes posts" accusation. I'm known as one of the frontpagers who almost never even troll-rates obviously stupid comments -- to a fault, I admit -- so I'm dying to hear this one.
by Hunter on Wed May 10, 2006 at 04:18:32 PM PDT
[ Parent ]
Flatline (0 / 0) last two posts make me Hitler, because I didn't mention Zionism or Israel.
My Zionism comment was a reference to your 'embedded' link. Are you one in the same?
My last post about the obvious failures of conservatism, after all, pegged me as a member of the "National Alliance"
You still fail to answer the question, sir. What was the inspiration for your screen name?
...the purity of your position hurts my eyes in its dazzling lily-white brilliance, etc., etc.
Your arrogance betrays a more sinister banality. I invoked the Nuremberg Tribunals. You did not. Millions died in WWII as a result. If that makes my position 'dazzling lily white and brilliant,' then YOU sir, are on HARDCORE COGNITIVE BLUNTING PHARMACEUTICALS--AS IS THE REST OF THE US of FUCKING A.
But you're going to have to explain that "deletes posts" accusation.
Again, that was in reference to your 'embedded' link. Are you one in the same? Yes or no?
...never even troll-rates obviously stupid comments...
This is the same tired tactic I get on Neocon blogs all the time. Don't agree? You're a stupid troll.
Thank you very much. Proves my point. I'm dying to hear this one.
Aren't we all. Quite a bipartisan Futurist Cacophony.
Is this one of the best ‘diarist’ you have on here Kos?
Waste of bandwidth.
Fucking Pathetic.
by Fraulein Anna on Wed May 10, 2006 at 04:56:23 PM PDT
[ Parent ]
the hell? (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:cookiebear
What are you talking about? Are you accusing me of deleting posts on Orcinus? Are you saying some other post somewhere got zeroed out? Are you figuring my screen name to be some sort of secret reference to white supremacist groups? Really?
Seriously, if both right and left think you're a troll, you might want to rethink your, um... whatever it is you're going for. Try again somewhere else, K?
by Hunter on Wed May 10, 2006 at 05:27:33 PM PDT
[ Parent ]
you might want to rethink your, um... (0 / 0
The revolution will not be televised, but we'll analyze it to death at The Next Hurrah.
by DHinMI on Wed May 10, 2006 at 05:36:17 PM PDT
[ Parent ]
Yeah, that's RIGHT! (0 / 0)
Supporting War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity is the RATIONAL and SOBER thing TO DO!
Back to the assembly line SEN 5241 !
by Fraulein Anna on Wed May 10, 2006 at 08:51:22 PM PDT
[ Parent ]
Congratulations (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by: cookiebear
You must be trying really hard to be that big an asshole. Congratulations, you've succeeded.
The revolution will not be televised, but we'll analyze it to death at The Next Hurrah.
by DHinMI on Thu May 11, 2006 at 06:01:01 AM PDT
[ Parent ]
Babal...on (0 / 0)
What are you talking about?
Oh, I don't know...guess I'm just delusional. Just forget it. Carry on as if there is no illegal war going on that contravenes every principle of the Nuremberg Tribunals. Hey! Let's not even ever include that concept in any discussion of the Iraq war! Ever! That would be very bad news for the idiotic Democrats that voted for this illegal war. It would set a bad precedent for future 'unintentional' Caliphate building by 'Democrats' as well. And bad for the morale of the US workforce. After all,that's all that really matters, isn't it? We can't have the drone workforce going around thinking that they're complicit in war crimes and crimes against humanity on a daily basis, now can we? That would be very very bad for General Dynamics and Raytheon.
I don't even know who 'you' are pal. I've been trying my darndest to bloody well find out here, but you've made it completely impossible. Who are you Mr. Hunter? You fail to answer the question from above regarding your identity. Seems to me as if you're coming undone at the seams here, Mr. Gate Keeper.
Are you figuring my screen name to be some sort of secret reference to white supremacist groups? Really?
It was merely a question--one that you have repeatedly failed to answer. And it is not a secret reference at all:
Seriously, if both right and left think you're a troll,
That's right! Don't EVER EVER think for yourself! Just mimic what everybody else is doing! Guess that makes it morally and intellectually valid!
Btw, there is no left or right here. Just right and extreme right. And a shitload of *&^% GateKeepers.
you might want to rethink your, um... whatever it is you're going for.
Try again somewhere else, K?
Perhaps it's time for you to retire, pal. Seems as if you're brain is getting a little... um...shall we say...rusty. Like the Tin Man. [Rusty brain and no heart.]
by Fraulein Anna on Wed May 10, 2006 at 06:34:52 PM PDT[ Parent ]
I think this calls for the 'Americans are NOT stupid' video.
Posted by: Hemisphere Creep | 13 October 2007 at 20:46
This is classic
Posted by: ce399 | 14 October 2007 at 00:08
I seriously object to your investigative 'trolling.' This derogatory internet term is obviously another Zionist conspiracy aimed at discrediting Nordic religion.
Posted by: Hemisphere Creep | 11 April 2008 at 19:02