From A Course in Miracles legal documents. Download: Oct_24_2003.pdf
Russell Targ was co-founder of the Stanford Research Institute´s CIA funded Remote Viewing program in Menlo Park, California during the 1970´s.. Russell Targ´s partner at Stanford Research Institute was chief researcher Dr. Harold Puthoff. Puthoff was a high ranking 'Operating Thetan' for the Church of Scientology and was also working under the auspices of the CIA's MK-ULTRA program along with Targ when this meeting took place. William Thetford, the co-'scribe' of ACIM, was also under the payroll of the CIA during the same period, conducting research under MK-ULTRA SubProject 130: Personality Theory at Columbia University. In 1998 Russell Targ wrote a book entitled Miracles of Space. Targ and Scientology claim Targ was never a member of the ´church.´
In this particular example, a simple meeting at a luncheon does not necessarily carry with it an implication of guilt. As has been previously stated : the late investigative journalist Gary Webb once wrote that research into the spectral realms of covert operations and parapolitics (or deep politics) will, in many instances, never really yield the cut and dry empirical data as evidence required, for example, in a court of law. There is no judge or jury here; therefore, the subject of this particular investigation need not be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Such is the nature of this particular Beast. Unfortunately, many 'consumers' of what basically constitutes speculative inquiry do not understand this concept.
Download Washington Post article: Psychic_Spying? (pdf format) August 7, 1977
also see:
Stanford, Scientology and the CIA
A Course in Miracles Legal Documents
MK-ULTRA Artichoke SubProject 130: Personality Theory