We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.
--1974 Congressional Testimony of Dr. Jose Delgado
The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.
--Dr. Jose Delgado, Director of Neuropsychiatry Yale University Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974
National Intelligence Reform Act of 2004 and Biometric Identification
b) TECHNOLOGIES EMPLOYED- The identification verification technologies required as part of the program under subsection (a) may include identification scanners, biometrics, retinal, iris, or facial scanners, or any other technologies that the Secretary considers appropriate for purposes of the program.
What does that mean for me?
Starting three years from now, if you live or work in the United States, you'll need a federally approved ID card to travel on an airplane, open a bank account, collect Social Security payments, or take advantage of nearly any government service. Practically speaking, your driver's license likely will have to be reissued to meet federal standards.
Wireless News: VeriChip FDA Approval
VeriChip has been given an official green light to begin selling its implantable human microchip in the United States.
The Palm Beach, Fla., company yesterday announced that it had received "written guidance" from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that the chip is not considered a "regulated medical device."
The designation clears the way for the company to begin marketing, distributing and selling the rice-sized chip for use in a "variety of security, emergency and healthcare applications," the company said.
VeriChip made news in February when it challenged Andy Rooney, the curmudgeonly commentator on TV's "60 Minutes" news magazine, to "chip" his words.
Rooney quipped during his segment on the February 10 show that he would be willing to have a chip implanted under his skin, if that would help speed up and assure security at airports.
"We need some system for permanently identifying safe people. Most of us are never going to blow anything up and there's got to be something better than one of these photo Ids," Rooney said. "I wouldn't mind having something planted permanently in my arm that would identify me."
Applied Digital Solutions responded the next day by inviting Rooney to "join a select group of people to get chipped."
A family in Boca Raton, Florida, had contacted Applied Digital Solutions in December to volunteer as chip "guinea pigs."
Apr 4.2002
Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado
Excerpt from: Physical Control of the Mind, Toward a Psychocivilized Society Jose M. R. Delgado, M.D. (Harper & Row, NY, 1969)
Two-way Radio Communication with the Brain (Pgs. 89 - 96)
Dr Jose Delgado, a neurophsiologist at Yale University School, was especially interested in Electronic Stimulation of the Brain. By implanting a small probe into the brain, Delgado discovered that he could wield enormous power over his subject. Using a device he called the 'stimoceiver' which operated by FM radio waves, he was able to electrically orchestrate a wide range of human emotions. These included rage, lust and fatigue. (Note: Stimoceiver is a S.B.M.C.D. or/ Spherical Biological Monitoring and Control Device. This ultra submicrominiaturized unit is the offspring of alien technology. Much of this was continued on the MK-Ultra Sub-Project 95 by Dr.Jose Delgado and Dr Louis Joylan West who mastered a technology called "RHIC-EDOM." RHIC means "Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control", and EDOM means "Electronic Dissolution Of Memory." These implants are stimulated to induce a post-hypnotic suggestion. EDOM is nothing more than "Missing Time" or/ the erasure of memory from the consciousness. The following Projects still use advanced RHIC-EDOM technology by CIA Black Ops and the military............Col.)
[ Under the auspices the fascist regime in Spain during WWII, Jose Delgado began his research into the use of pain and pleasure for mind control. Later, as Director of Neuropsychiatry at Yale University Medical School, he refined the design of his "transdermal stimulator"...a computer controlled, remote neurologic transceiver and aversion stimulator. Since the 1970s, Delgado "has shifted his interest from direct electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) to the broader area of the biological effects of electromagnetic fields." (Cross Currents - Dr. Robert Becker) ]
This gap is now being filled, and as Figures 4 and 5 show, it is already possible to equip animals or human beings with minute instruments called "stimoceivers" for radio transmission and reception of electrical messages to and from the brain in completely unrestrained subjects. Microminiaturization of the instrument's electronic components permits control of all parameters of excitation for radio stimulation of three different points within the brain and also telemetric recording of three channels of intracerebral electrical activity.
It is reasonable to speculate that in the near future the stimoceiver may provide the essential link from man to computer to man, with a reciprocal feedback between neurons and instruments which represents a new orientation for the medical control of neurophysiological functions. For example, it is conceivable that the localized abnormal electrical activity which announces the imminence of an epileptic attack could be picked up by implanted electrodes, telemetered to a distant instrument room, tape-recorded, and analyzed by a computer capable of recognizing abnormal electrical patterns. Identification of the specific electrical disturbance could trigger the emission of radio signals to activate the patient's stimoceiver and apply an electrical stimulation to a determined inhibitory area of the brain, thus blocking the onset of the convulsive episode.
One of the limiting factors in these studies was the existence of wires leading from the brain to the stimoceiver outside of the scalp. The wires represented a possible portal of entry for infection and could be a hindrance to hair grooming in spite of their small size. It would obviously be far more desirable to employ minute instruments which could be implanted completely beneath the skin. For this purpose we have developed in our laboratory a small three-channel stimulator which can be placed subcutaneously and which has terminal leads to be implanted within the brain (Figure 6). The instrument is solid state, has no batteries, and can work indefinitely. Necessary electrical energy, remote control of parameters of stimulation, and choice of channels are provided by transdermal coupling, using a small coil which is activated by frequency-modulated radio signals.
The technology for nonsensory communication between brains and computers through the intact skin is already at our fingertips, and its consequences are difficult to predict. In the past the progress of civilization has tremendously magnified the power of our senses, muscles, and skills. Now we are adding a new dimension: the direct interface between brains and machines. Although true, this statement is perhaps too spectacular and it requires cautious clarification. Our present knowledge regarding the coding of information, mechanisms of perception, and neuronal bases of behavior is so elemental that it is highly improbable that electrical correlates of thoughts or emotions could be picked up, transmitted, and electrically applied to the suitable structure of a different subject in order to be recognized and to trigger related thoughts or emotions. It is, however, already possible to induce a large variety of responses, from motor effects to emotional reactions and intellectual manifestations, by direct electrical stimulation of the brain. Also, several investigators have learned to identify patterns of electrical activity (which a computer could also recognize) localized in specific areas of the brain and related to determined phenomena such as perception of smells or visual perception of edges and movements. We are advancing rapidly in the pattern recognition of electrical correlates of behavior and in the methodology for two-way radio communication between brain and computers.
Fears have been expressed that this new technology brings with it the threat of possible unwanted and unethical remote control of the cerebral activities of man by other men, but as will be discussed later, this danger is quite improbable and is outweighed by the expected clinical and scientific benefits. Electronic knowledge and microminiaturization have progressed so much that the limits appear biological rather than technological. Our greatest need is for more experimental information about the neuronal mechanisms related to behavioral and mental processes, and research in unrestricted subjects promises to reveal new understanding of normal minds and more efficient therapy of disturbed brains.
Jose Delgado's Physical Control of the Mind
The Government Psychiatric Torture Site
Bibliography, Articles:
Angulo, Earl, "Invention: Device for Removing Foreign Objects
from Anatomic Organs"; NASA Tech Briefs, March 1993.
Barinaga, Marcia, "To Sleep, Perchance to ...Learn? New Studies
Say Yes"; Science, Vol.265, July 29, 1994.
Broad, William J., "Spy Satellites' Early Role As 'Floodlight'
Coming Clear"; Science Times, The New York Times, Tuesday,
September 12, 1995.
Foster, K.R., Schepps J.L, Stoy R.D., Schwan H.P., "Dielectric
properties of brain tissue between 0.01 and 10 GHz", Physics in
Medicine and Biology, 1979, Nov, 24(6):1177-87 (Read abstract
(No credit given), "Cyber Wars", Science and Technology, The
Economist, January 13, 1996:p77-78.
Orne, Martin (there are so many articles and book chapters; 50
are available through the UC Library System) he has written or
co-authored; I list just a couple which show the direction Orne's
work has taken.) With Waid W.M., "The physiological detection of
deception"; American Scientist, 1982 Jul-Aug, v70(n4):402-409.
There are many studies involving electrodermal responses - i.e.,
electrodes attached to the skin, injection of false memories
during controlled sleep laboratories, studies on eye movements
during hypnotically induced hallucinations, many studies
involving hypnosis and its effect on subjects, etc. Perhaps,
there are some "abductees" who remember the wires running off
their skin to some type of device. My personal favorite which
probably got him tapped by the CIA: With Paskewitz D.A.,
"Aversive situational effects on alpha feedback training",
Science, 1974 Nov,v186(n3162):458-460. (involved 22 male
undergraduates, and included watching whether anticipation of
electric shock would depress alpha activity in a feedback
situation by studying greatly increased heart rate and number of
spontaneous skin conductance responses.)
Schacter, Daniel L. (a brilliant scientist; he has many studies
related to memory systems and how they work), "Evaluating amnesia
in multiple personality disorder", in Psychological concepts and
dissociative disorders, Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, Inc.,
Hillsdale, NJ, 1994, p.259-282. (Read abstract only, read many of
the 20 lengthy abstracts available through UCLA Melvyl system.)
Schwan, H.P., "History of medical and biological ultrasound at
the University of Pennsylvania" (Martin Orne's institution),
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 1994, 20(7):639-44.
Tapscott, Mark, "DoD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control
Technology, Claims: FBI Considered Testing on Koresh"; Defense
Electronics (17), July 1993.
West, Louis Jolyon, "The meaning of hallucinations", Diagnostics
and psychopathology, monograph series, No.1, W.W. Norton & co,
Inc., New York, NY, US, 1987, p49-62.
West, Louis Jolyon, "Psychiatric implications of stressful
methods employed by totalist cults", in Stress in psychiatric
disorders, Springer Publishing Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1994,
p.117-139. (Read lengthy abstract only.)
West, Louis Jolyon, "Hallucinations: Behavior, Experience, and
Theory", John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1975. (Selected
chapters I thought pertinent to my research.)
Delgado, Jose, "Physical Control of the Mind", Harper and Row,
Flanagan, Patrick, "The Neurophone", Chapter 3, Pyramid Power,
8th Edition, 1980.
Pines, Maya, "The Brain Changers", 1973, Harcourt Brace
Jovanoich, New York (0-15-113700-5), Chapter entitled "Remote
Control of the Brain - Through Pain and Pleasure" (pgs.32-54)
concerning Dr. Jose Delgado's work.
Schitzgebel R.L., and Schitzgebel R.K., "Psychotechnology",
Rhinehart and Winston, 1973. (You might be able to locate this
book in a university library.)
Valle, Jacques, "Messengers of Deception", Ballantine(?), And/Or,
"Biochip Technology Development", Eggers M.D. (lead), Technical
Report 901, Air Force Contract F19628-90-C-002, from the Lincoln
Laboratory (MIT), Lexington, MASS, report has limited
distribution. (Response to letter requesting information on
neural microchips.)
ECCO brochure describing low-earth orbiting satellite system for
the provision of voice, data, position location and other mobile
satellite services (MSS); lists System Overview specs; Beam
Pattern specs; Gateway Segment specs; Subscriber Services and
Equipment specs; Phased Implementation - and who will be involved
world-wide; and Service Provision. (Remember your government uses
the same communication system you do. Further, I don't think this
brochure is going to be made public for very much longer.)
Pick-up any literature on the Lo-Jack System for locating
"stolen" vehicles for an explanation of how your missing vehicle
is located - well, as much as they are willing to tell you.
Executive Summary (full reading); Final Report from the Advisory
Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (read selected chapters
covering experiments involving unwitting human subjects.).
Government Printing Office, 1995.
(The) Greenbaum Lecture on Ritual Abuse, MPD and Mind Control;
personal communication received 1/11/96.
Jones, Fowler C., (dissertation), "The effects of a positive
electric field on the behavior of emotionally disturbed
children"; Dissertation Abstracts International,
v35(n9-A):5969-5970, Mar, 1975.
Ilmoniemi R.J., Williamson S.J., Kaufman L., Weinberg H.J., and
Boyd A.D., "Method for Locating a Small Magnetic Object in the
Human Body"; IEEE Transactions of Biomedical Engineering, Vol.35,
No.7, July 1988.
McKinney, Julianne (Association of National Security Alumni),
"Microwave Harassment & Mind-Control Experimentation"; Electronic
Surveillance Project, December 1992. (A real eye opener regarding
how a victim is perceived by society.)
Williamson S.J., and Kaufman L., "Evolution of Neuromagnetic
Topographic Mapping", Brain Topography, Vol.3, No.1, 1990.
Papers (indexed by paper title):
(The) British Racists Behind America's School Reforms: Part 2,
by Scott Thompson and Jeff Steinberg, from Executive
Intelligence Review V20, #44.
Canadian Brain Washing Experiments, San Jose Mercury News
articles dated 10/09/88 and 11/19/92.
(The) Controllers: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction, by
Martin Cannon, 1989.
Committee on Veteran's Affairs, 103d Congress, 2d Session -
Committee Print - S.Prt. 103-97, Chaired by John D. Rockefeller
IV, "Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans' Health? Lessons
Spanning Half A Century", VERICOMM BBS, 8/17/95.
Effects of 6-10 Hz ELF on Brain Waves, David S. Walonick, 5/90,
MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No. 11, 01/23/96.
Mind Control & Mental Telepathy, Patrick A. Warden, VERICOMM BBS
Mind Control Research: Proof of Mind Control Technology; Cheryl
Welsh, Freedom of Thought Foundation, VERICOMM BBS, 1/05/96.
Non-Lethal Weapons - Mind Control; Frey, Alan, "Human Auditory
system Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy, Journal of
Applied Physiology, Vol.17, No.4, July 1962.
(A) Primer on Hypnosis and Mind Control, Darrell Bross,
Remote Mind Control Technology, Alan Yu, VERICOMM BBS,
Social Psychology and Group Dynamics; Jan Groenveld, 1/03/96.
Synthetic Telepathy, Judy Wall, MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No.
31, 12/20/95.