Current Counter Mind & Body Control & Counter EMF Harassment Recommendations
* Please note much of the information posted below is based on purely logical and mathematical speculations and have not been proven or tested to be safe or valid with experimental equipment and test results.
1. Contact your local congress person by mail or email and notify him or her that you are having problems with mind control, spying, remote sensing, and beam weapons attacks. Sometimes the congress person can help you.
2.Contact Security Agencies [Current referral list of doctors, lawyers, security & other agencies for electronic and radiation harassment victims.]
Spectrum International Investigative Network at is one security agency of note that can be of help for counter mind control and counter spying.
You may also consider contacting the group below by telephone and email:
Freedom From GANG STALKING / ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT /Covert Harassment and Surveillance TOLL FREE NUMBER 1-866-310-3117 FROM STOP THE COVERT WAR Fax: 1-866-433-4170 E-mail: [email protected] 1-866-310-3117
3. Purchase mind control counter measure products sells many silver mesh fabrics such as curtains, clothing, and many other counter emf products. The Lessemf silver coated cap for instance that I have tried does jam out 30 to 50 percent of the emfs directed at me from government mind control projects.
Spectrum International Investigative Network at sells a nano-carbon paint called WaveShield® Paint at which can be painted on walls to jam out most emfs, and some heat energies. Spraying the nanocarbon WaveShield paint on both sides of sound proof foam which can then be placed on walls can be used to jam out emfs, sound, and heat to a high degree. The sound proof foam may not be able to jam out all sound waves directed at you, but it may jam out the sound waves coming from your mind and body so that others may not here them.
Reflective Mylar Sheets (metalized polyester ) at which reflects light may also help deflect emfs, light, uv, and sink some neutrino nonconductive scalar waves. Wraping the above sound proofing foam spray painted with nanocarbon WaveShield paint in Mylar should improve the shielding.
Heat shield thermoacustic insulation can jam out heat, sound, and emfs and can be purchased at (Heat shield thermoacustic insulation item 7168-1501).
Magnetic linoleum can be purchased in sheets of 25 feet by two feet, which can be placed on walls, and can be layered 10 or 20 times over a wooden box, which may create a very powerful magnetic force field over the box to jam out some energy beams. If the magnetic linoleum is not enough, then more powerful magnets can bought, and placed under the linoleum and also magnetic coils can be placed under the linoleum to make it even stronger.
Magnetic Linoleum can be purchased at magnetic - sheet linoleum Ceramic Alnico Neodymium Samarium Cobalt Magnetic Strip , Magnetic Sheet Round Base Channel Assemblies Sandwich Assemblies , Sales Toll Free: 800-747-7543 Fax Toll Free: 800-747-1323Email: [email protected], MIDWEST, Adams Magnetic Products Co., 888 Larch Avenue, Elmhurst, IL 60126, Phone 630-617-8880, Fax 630-617-8881 and at Master Magnetics, Inc. Toll-Free: 1.800.525.3536 . and at and at and at 1-800-611-8205 and at and at and at 341-5077.
Magnetic field disruptor counter measure kits and support are posted at
" Included in the kit:
High Voltage (not dangerous) ion generator - (one of these two models:
the 7.5 KV wall plug in, or the 15 KV 12 volt adapter not included).
High Voltage Diode (20 KV) - assembled to the ion generator
3 Mylar sheets
3 double ended alligator clips as posted at"
Magnetic rings worn on the hands and feet can heal the body and also jam out some emfs and energy beams which can be purchased at Immortality magnetic ring force fields at
Lead sheets and coiled up pieces of metal tin can also be used to jam out some emfs and radiation energies. When the metal is coiled up it causes the radiation to slow down.
Oils and skin creams placed on the skin and hair block out some harmful emfs.
You can purchase special security windows which have a small gass vacuum in between the double pains of glass and use silver and vinyl in the windows to block out sound, emfs, and keep heat in the house such as posted at and There is also a paint called Acousti-Coat, hy-tech thermal solutions 1-866-649-8324,, which has small vacuum spheres in it that can be painted on the walls to block out some sound and heat waves. A vacuum of 7 inches or more, such as created by paint cans that have a vacuum in them can block out most sound waves completely. Sound proofing foam, vinyls, and high frequency jamming particle board can also block out sound, energy, and longitudinal scalar waves and beams.
Some personal massagers and devices that generate a small noise by means of vibrations placed near the head can temporarily jam out some harmful sound waves and other emfs. A Jammer Kit (Small motor and antenna that jams mind control radio waves) is available at
Other emf countermeasures can be purchased such as:
The Brainwave Harmonizer and Regenerator at, and devices that emit correctional signals, such as QLink, Techno AO, Empulse and Medicur, and those that work by increasing the biophoton capacity of water, such as the Equilibra Personal Enhancer and the Personal Harmonizer at
Cellular Phone Radiofrequency Protection:
There are a few companies which sell cell phone and emf counter protections products like mu metal such as at and Less EMF at Here is another good page with links to many EMF protection devices: and - emf countermeasure devices.
The EMF protection clock may be of interest to you as posted at Magnetic linoleum also works well to block out magnetic and emf waves.
Mu metal, lead, thermoacustic insulation, and silver metal foil sheets can be used to block out some emf and magnetic waves and beams.
[More Detailed Force Field Ideas] posted at\mcrec.html
A healing force field can be generated from 12 concentric metal rings ranging from 1 cm to 1 yard in size connected to a sound generator as depicted in the books and inventions:
Lakhovsky, G. "The Secret of Life." Health Science: Rustington, Sussex, England, 1935, 1963 (Multiple Wave Oscillator)
and The Waves That Heal by Mark Clement
that generate sound and magnetic waves that resonate with the resonant properties of each cell and microorganism in the body to remove cancer, heal cells, and jam out harmful energies.
Ultrasonic devices used in healing may also be used to jam sound waves and reduce pain from a sound attack:
"Sonic Relief Home Therapy Ultrasound Kits -1-866 237 9608."
Natural full spectrum light, and healing sound waves can also help the body heal itself.
4. There are some underground counter mind control groups which can protect and relocate mind control victims and give them new identities to help them. You may consider posting a brief web page note stating that you are an electromagnetic harassment victim and are looking for a private detective or an underground group that may be able to help you. I was told that there are some private detectives that can help but they are hard to find. I have a web page posted at my personal web site stating that I am looking for a private detective or others who may be able to help me. Of course you should be careful with the people who may contact you to make sure that they seem professional, and well meaning.
5. Concerning counter Mind Control implants: I do not have a great deal of information on human implants and how and who can remove them. If the implants are nanotechnologies and chemtrails, like tiny nano metals and plastics then some of those implants can be removed from the body by means of using a metal body cleanse like the herb coliander available at health food stores, and acidic vitamins often used to help the hair grow which can clean out the nanotechnologies in the blood stream. Replacing metal cavities in teeth with ceramics may prevent the metal in the cavities from being used to fuse with cells to track the body. Metal fused to body cells can be defused by means of using an anode and cathode as in reverse metal plating osmosis that removes metals from other materials which should also work to remove metals from body cells.
There are magnetic sensing, imaging (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), and manipulation technologies used in creating nanomaterials that can be used to see, manipulate, change the matrix, and remove nano particles in the body by forcing them to the surface of the body skin cells. Magnetic beams are alternated and cycled on and off to move nanocellular particles around. Sound waves are very similar to magnetic waves and can also be used to simulate magnetic waves so that sound waves can be used to sense, move, manipulate, disintegrate, and pull nano particles in the body to the surface cells. The laser technologies used to remove tattoes in the skin can be modified to use magnetic and sound lasers to sense and remove nanoparticles in body cells. matter by magnetic nanoparticle assemblers
Benjamin B. Yellen *, , Ondrej Hovorka , and Gary Friedman *Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, Box 90300 Hudson Hall, Durham, NC 27708; and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Edited by Harry L. Swinney, University of Texas, Austin, TX, and approved May 4, 2005 (received for review January 18, 2005)
I have not focused to much on implants, since in my case, those targeting me since my birth in 1962, and those targeting my mother and father before my birth, did not need to use any implants to target us, since they used our biological signatures, and used time travel energy beam technologies as in the TV movie series Time Tunnel to target us; and I assumed from this, that most persons on Earth could be targeted by mind control and beam weapons projects throughout the whole of Earth's history and anywhere in space and time without the need for any implants at all. Those using implants on others, are using more primitive technologies than those targeting me. Those groups targeting you that need to use implants may be small gangs and not major super secret government projects.
6. If you feel you need medical support, use the valid claim that you are having tiny temporal lobe seizures, or some type of brain disease to get medication and medical support that may calm you down such as seizure medications like tegretol which works well against mind control and beam weapons attacks, so that you are not labeled as mentally ill, since seizures and brain diseases are not considered mental health problems. Mind control and beam weapons attacks do create tiny seizures and brain dysfunction's, so that they can be classed as brain diseases rather than mental problems, and according to the mental health code, mind control and beam weapons attacks are not considered mental health problems since they are created by an external environmental source and are often semi-temporary events like seizures. In states like Michigan, mind control, spying, remote sensing, and beam weapons attacks are illegal according to state law, so that doctors, police, lawyers, and governmental officials by law must take your claims seriously and consider investigating them if possible rather than sending you to a mental health specialist.
7. If you are a mind control victim and you have problems with employment due to mind control you may consider buying a farm or cottage, and grow and sell farming products and foods for income and for personal use. You may also consider becoming an artist to support yourself by selling art works at art and craft shows and on the internet.
8. If you are young enough consider joining the local police, military or national guard or a secret society to get some support and protection and to learn about how to protect yourself from mind control, remote sensing, spying, and beam weapons attacks.
9. Concerning legal cases:
In Michigan and in some other states there are laws against targeting persons with radio waves, emf's, or any other type of harmful or threatening electrical, chemical, and biological device: "The Michigan Penal Code Act 328 of 1931, Section 750.200i and Section 750.200h ) which ban the use of technologies and governmental actions and policies by state and Federal Government agencies including the use of electromagnetic, nuclear, biological, and radioactive devices on any person for an unlawful purposes defined as an intent to frighten, terrorize, intimidate, threaten, harass injure or kill any person which includes human subject research experimentation for national security reasons." The organizations and persons who are targeting other persons with harmful energy beams or sound waves from other states or other countries in Michigan are breaking the law.
Generally speaking the U.S. code laws and the USA bill of rights do protect persons from being targeted by any type of harmful or threatening device if they can show it in court which is very difficult since you need witnesses, and you also need a good friendly lawyer and judges that are sympathetic. Unfortunately even if you have all the evidence, the US courts can choose to not read the case or misread it and then the supreme court can choose to not look at it also.
I have posted sample cases and petitions that I have filed at
1.[ Counter Human Subjects Research Appeals Case Memo] [Part of Counter Human Subjects Research Case]
2. I have filed a petition with the United Nations and a case in US Federal Court, Civil Case No: 1-02-CV-782 [Supplement 1 ], [Supplement 2]. [Supplement 3], and appeal case Case No: 03-1343, [District Court Ruling, Appeal Filed, Appeal Brief, Appeal Brief Reply, Supreme Court Petition], to ask the United States to protect US citizens from electronic harassment, and I do not know if the case will be strong enough to promote laws in the US to protect US citizens presently. I have been working with the Prime Minister, Tony Blair of the United Kingdom to promote international privacy and health right laws and policies by fax.
The cases that I filed above were not successful, since I had submited evidence based on general arguments and facts, and I needed to present more specific evidence, such as an eye witness notarized statement to testify that my business and person was being harmed by the governmental policies of the US government or that the person decided to not do business with me due to the US governments policies.
Encouraging city ordinances that give the local police and fire departments the equipment and rights to remotely view the local town to look for and disable and filter out harmful energy beams, pollutants, and chemtrials would be helpful. Promoting international and local security agencies and law courts that monitor the local and global airways to disable and filter out harmful energy beams, pollutants, and chemtrails would also be helpful. Encouraging new governmental policies that ban governmental torture and experimentation on others, and develop governmental programs to counter mind control, spying, remote sensing, and beam weapons attacks would also be helpful.
You may also consider signing the petition to prevent US governmental torture that Senator Ted Kennedy has posted at the follow link, Since this may prevent government agencies from torturing US citizens with electronic harassment.
The US government and US military monitors all the airways, and must give organizations permission to target other persons with harmful technologies, radio waves and energies. The US FCC sent me a letter stating that the US Military was in charge of monitoring the radio spectrum that can be used to harm and threaten others. If you do research in government documents as I have done, it shows that the US military is in charge and does monitor the airways but they are not protecting US and USA citizens from harmful radio and energy beams. I received emails from former government agents who claim that the US military and US government officially but by classified means targets US and USA citizens with beam weapons, and gives universities grants to use their beam weapons equipment to target and study US and USA citizens, and works with the organized crime to target US and USA citizens. All of this is very criminal and illegal even if the US government promotes its secretly and by classified means. If the US government wanted to they could stop all persons in the US and USA from being targeted by beam weapons and any other harmful technology. Bills and laws need to be promoted in congress to change the US governments policies.
I have posted sample company trusts that promote such security and legal services as mentioned above such as [Secure Motel-Transportation-Security Services ] at, the [International Law Court, Security, & Environmental Protection Agency © ] at, and [Star Haven Community Services © ] at
10. Meditate on positive healing force fields, and associate with persons who have a strong will power, and who can be around you in a friendly, ethical, honest, productive and polite manner no matter what the circumstances and mind control events may be. Even consider hiring professional friends to associate with if need be.
11. Consider seeking support from friendly and positive secret societies, inner hollow Earth, and outer space societies to get support, security and military technologies and services to defend yourself and local culture. Inner hollow Earth societies may be contacted through secret societies, and at towns and places where new age light healers reside such as at Mt. Shiasta in California. Mt. Shiasta California has some underground cities under the mountain. Many cities in the US also have underground cities about 1 mile down. Some of the tunnels that connect the inner hollow Earth to the surface of the Earth have been reported to be located near Witchita Kansas, and at the South and North Poles.
There are reference books about the inner hollow Earth such as The Smoky God and other Inner Earth Mysteries, The Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, and Underground Alien Bases by Commander X at Global Communications at , Box 753 New Brunswick NJ 08903, which all speak about, map out and depict a hollow Earth where advanced E.T. and inner Earth societies live presently. The Earth at its north and south poles where the ocean lies, gradually tunnels into the inner Earth, so that a ship could easily travel there, but I heard that the North and South poles are monitored to prevent ships from going into the inner Earth. One of the maps of the Inner Earth in the books above, shows tunnels and doorways that lead into the inner Earth, and one of them is located near Wichita Kansas, but I also heard that those tunnels may have been blocked up. Some of the Pleadian societies, as well as many other E.T. societies may also live in the inner Earth.
12. Counter Mind Control Reference Books Available: There is a book called Scalar Waves, by Konstantine Meyl which discusses how the human mind uses scalar waves and can hear cell phone radiation, which is available at Twenty First Century Books,, P.O. Box 2001, Breckenridge, CO 80424-2001, U.S.A., Phone: (970) 453-9293 (between 7:00 AM & 7:00 PM Mountain Time).
There is another book called the New World Order UFO's Tesla Area 51 by Commander X Abelard Productions Inc. , Global Communications New Brunswick NJ,, which does state as quoted below that many government agencies use Mazer beams which are two laser beams that simulate holography that the brain uses to communicate sounds and synthetic telepathy but this is likely classified from the general public - "Mazer - Low Power Microwave directed energy weapons capable of causing the projection of auditory effects (hearing voices or subliminal suggestion) into the occipital cortex. Very low frequency VLF sound and ultrasonics - pulses of 7-12 Hz are bounced off the 8 Hz ionospheric envelope around the Earth. - Many Federal Agencies(FBI,NSA,NRO, CIA, Army Intelligence, Navy Intelligence, Department of Energy, Defense Investigative Services, DIA, Justice Department, Department of Treasury, BATF, and others, and the Secret UN(NWO) Government use psychotronics, masers, nonlethal weapons, and beam weapon technologies. Quoted from Pg 87 Quoted From Incredible Technologies of the New World Order UFO's Tesla Area 51 by Commander X Abelard Productions Inc. , Global Communications New Brunswick NJ,"
I have posted many of the reference books that I have read at Of particular note are:
1.Beam Weapons, Jeff Hecht 1984.
2.The Zapping of America : Microwaves, their deadly risk, and the cover-up. Paul Brodeur 1977.
3.The Military Surveillance Act 1973 U.S. Gov. Publishing Office (GPO)
Military Surveillance , Hearing Before the Subcommittie on Constitutional Rights
93rd Congress on S.2318 April 9 and 10, 1978
5.Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Waves. Bureau of Radiological Health, FDA 1975 GPO
9.Legislative History of Radiation Control For Health & Safety 1968 Vol I & II. U.S. Dept. of
Health, Education, and Welfare.
12.The Military Frontier 1988 Time Life Books
13.Deep Black Space Espionage & National Security William E. Burroughs
14.Weapons in Space Long, Hafner, Boutwell, W.W. Norton & Company Inc.
58. Electomagnetic Bio-Information, Fritz Albert Popp.., 1989, Urban & Scwarzenberg, Munchen-Wien-Baltimore
83. USA NEWS & World Report, July 7, 1997
Wonder Weapons (Lasers, Vortex Weapons, Acoustic
Weapons, & Microwaves)
80. Remote Viewing (The ESP of Espionage), Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 3, #6 (Oct-Nov 96)P.O Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560
Australia. [email protected], web page at, by Turan Rifat, 1996, Paranormal Management Systems,
PO Box 2249, Brighton, Sussex BN2 2DR, UK, web address:
84. Medical Physics, John R. Cameron, James G. Skofronick, John Wiley & Sons, New York , 1978.
158.The Secret of Life Georges Lakhovsky and Mark Clement, Cosmic Rays and Radiations of Living Beings
Translated from the French by Mark Clement, London William Heinmann (Medical Books) LTD 1939
159. The Body Electric , Electormagnatism and the Foundation of Life, Robert 0. Becker, M.D., And Gary Seldon illustrated by David Bichell, Quill, William Morrow New York
Copyright C 1985 by Robert O. Becker, M.D. and Gary Seldon
13. [Professional Investigator & Security Agent Procedures For Victims & Hostages of Crime]
14. Additional Information on Detection of Directed Energies, Directed Energy Force Field & Jammer Technologies, Security & Legal Directed Energy Protection
15.[ Additional Information at www.rhfweb.rhfinfo.htrml ]
I hope that you find some help and that your circumstances improve.
Brainwave Harmonizer
Blake Levitt’s book Electromagnetic Fields
* Please note much of the information posted below is based on purely logical and mathematical speculations and have not been proven or tested to be safe or valid with experimental equipment and test results.
1. Contact your local congress person by mail or email and notify him or her that you are having problems with mind control, spying, remote sensing, and beam weapons attacks. Sometimes the congress person can help you by quite and not official as well as official actions.
2..[Current referral list of doctors, lawyers, security & other agencies for electronic
and radiation harassment victims.]
3. Purchase mind control counter measure products such as the Brainwave Harmonizer and Regenerator at, and devices that emit correctional signals, such as QLink, Techno AO, Empulse and Medicur, and those that work by increasing the biophoton capacity of water, such as the Equilibra Personal Enhancer and the Personal Harmonizer at EMF countermeasures can be purchased at and at Cellular Phone Radiofrequency Protection:
[Force Field Hat and Pyramid Shelter Design Plan]
You can purchase special security windows which have a small gass vacuum in between the double pains of glass and use silver and vinyl in the windows to block out sound, emfs, and keep heat in the house such as posted at and There is also a paint called Acousti-Coat, hy-tech thermal solutions 1-866-649-8324,, which has small vacuum spheres in it that can be painted on the walls to block out some sound and heat waves. A vacuum of 7 inches or more, such as created by paint cans that have a vacuum in them can block out most sound waves completely. Sound proofing foam, vinyls, and high frequency jamming particle board can also block out sound, energy, and longitudinal scalar waves and beams.
Mu metal, lead, thermoacustic insulation, and silver metal foil sheets can be used to block out some emf and magnetic waves and beams. Magnetic linoleum can be purchased in sheets of 25 feet by two feet, which can be layered 10 or 20 times over a wooden box, which may create a very powerful magnetic force field over the box to jam out some energy beams. If the magnetic linoleum is not enough, then more powerful magnets can bought, and placed under the linoleum and also magnetic coils can be placed under the linoleum to make it even stronger. magnetic sheet linoleum
Ceramic Alnico Neodymium Samarium Cobalt Magnetic Strip , Magnetic Sheet Round Base Channel Assemblies Sandwich Assemblies , Sales Toll Free: 800-747-7543 Fax Toll Free: 800-747-1323
Email: [email protected], MIDWEST, Adams Magnetic Products Co., 888 Larch Avenue, Elmhurst, IL 60126, Phone 630-617-8880, Fax 630-617-8881 - high performance silver mesh fabric Heat shield thermoacustic insulation item 7168-1501
There are a few companies which sell cell phone and emf counter protections products like mu metal such as at and Less EMF at Here is another good page with links to many EMF protection devices: The EMF protection clock may be of interest to you as posted at Magnetic linoleum also works well to block out magnetic and emf waves.
An electrified piece of metal or a faraday cage can be used to block out more intense radio waves. A simple faraday cage can be built in the basement by painting the basement walls with metalized paint and insulating them and then electrifying them. Some radio waves can penetrate one layer of metal, but if several layers of metal especially corrugated metal are insulated with plastic or a dielectric between each layer, then they can block out more radio waves, and some scalar waves (longitudinal waves). Rolled up metal like like rolls of aluminum foil can capture emf and scalar waves which follow the rolled up metal foil to the center of the foil to be slowed down and trapped in the center. Plasma force fields such as air, gases and metal energized with randomized and alternated phase and amplitude holographic ultrasonic waves, can be used to jam out radio waves, sound, and scalar waves. Energized mirrors with phase and time reversed waves can also be used to jam out radio waves to their source. A metallic shiny mirror faraday cage box or wall which has a fountain of water sprayed over the randomly energized in phase, frequency, and intensity metal mirror box, may also jam out sound and beam weapons. The more layers of energized mirror metal and water the more successful one may be in jamming out the beam weapons and sound waves. Zero Point Energy fields as shown in the Incredibles animation cartoon movie by Disney, may also be used to jam out most energy waves. Force field clothing as posted at\ffcloth can help jam out some mind control energies. Mind control energies can lock onto metals, and plastics in or on the body. By taking metal cleanses such as coriander herbs, and acidic vitamins and removing metallic cavities, you may be able to avoid some mind control energies. A vinegar bath can clean the skin pours of tiny nanotech metals and plastics. I have noticed that whorl pools, steam saunas, and swimming pools jam some of the holographic energy antennas placed in bodies, to jam out and prevent mind control energies from locking onto the body for a few hours at a time.
A simple faraday cage can be constructed which blocks out emf transverse energy beam waves (height of the energy wave used in spying and beam weapons attacks). Spraying metalized paint available at hardware stores on walls, windows. and doors and then insulating the walls, windows, and doors with a nonconductor such as foam and then energizing the metal paint with a phase and frequency alternating current creates a primitive faraday cage which jams out most transverse emf waves. You should hire an electrician to help you do this. If you use soundproofing foam to insulate your walls, you can also jam out some sound waves such as ultrasound and scalar neutrino tesla like energy waves which are longitudinal (width of the wave used in spaying and beam weapons attacks.) Sheets of lead as used in lead coffins layered with other metals and plastics such as copper, zinc and vinyl can also block out many subnuclear energy waves used in beam weapons and spying attacks. Metals and plastics curled up in a spiral like a tesla coil also sink and jam out more energy waves. The security agency Spectrum International Investigative Network at sells a nanocarbon spray paint that jams out most transverse emfs. Nasa has posted the details of a high energy electrostatic force field that they use to jam out radiation which may also work to jam out beam weapons as posted at by Author: Patrick L. Barry Credit: Science@NASA A Force Field for Astronauts? The NASA force field device uses negative charges in an outer layer, and positive chargers in an inner layer with high voltages (100 megavolts of static electrical potential) on a piece of cloth (Vectron ) lined with gold that could be placed in wall paper.
4. Cases are very difficult and dangerous to file, and get evidence for, and even if won are not completely effective, so that we need to start security companies such as [Secure Motel-Transportation-Security Services © ] at, the [International Law Court, Security, & Environmental Protection Agency © ] at, and [Star Haven Community Services © ] at and encourage new governmental policies to counter mind control, spying, remote sensing, and beam weapons attacks.
5. Buy a farm or cottage, grow some foods for exorcise and self support, and become an artist to support yourself if you cannot work full time.
6. If you are young enough consider joining the local police, military or national guard to get some support and protection and to learn about how to protect yourself from mind control, remote sensing, spying, and beam weapons attacks.
7. Meditate on positive healing force fields, and associate with persons who have a strong will power, and who can be around you in a friendly, ethical, honest, productive and polite manner no matter what the circumstances and mind control. Even consider hiring professional friends to associate with if need be.
8. If you feel you need medical support, use the valid claim that you are having tiny temporal lobe seizures, or some type of brain disease to get medication and medical support that may calm you down such as seizure medications like tegretol which works well against mind control and beam weapons attacks, while most other drugs seem to not work very well, so that you are not labeled as mentally ill, since seizures and brain diseases are not mental health problems. Mind control and beam weapons attacks do create tiny seizures and brain dysfunction’s, so that they can be classed as brain diseases rather than mental problems, and according to the mental health code, mind control and beam weapons attacks are not considered mental problems since they are created by an external environmental source and are often semi-temporary events like seizures. In states like Michigan, mind control, spying, remote sensing, and beam weapons attacks are illegal according to state law, so that doctors, police, lawyers, and governmental officials by law must take your claims seriously and consider investigating them if possible rather than sending you to a mental health specialist.
9. Consider seeking support from friendly and positive secret societies, inner hollow Earth, and outer space societies to get support, security and military technologies to defend yourself and local culture.
10. There are some underground counter mind control groups which can relocate mind control victims and give them new identities to help them. You may have to post an email on the Internet so that they can find you, and offer support if they can.
11. [Professional Investigator & Security Agent Procedures For Victims & Hostages of Crime]
i have been suffering from emf. i have a wound on my toe that has not healed for 8 months. every so often i feel a severe pain in this wound as if it were being burned by a cigarette. i have involuntary movements from different parts of my body, i say things i dont want to say, i have facial expressions i did not want, i feel stinging in my eyes when i read a book, i feel stinging in my urinary tract, etc...
Posted by: beau kun | 08 January 2009 at 06:31
The billionaire totalitarian leader of the American Church of Scientology David Miscavige has a private army with at least 150 pieces of directed energy weapons, millimeter wave weapons, portable Active Denial System, all types of combinations of invisible beams frequencies.Recently he has shipped 6 of these pieces in London and Scotland. My ex-husband was hit with one, his blood pressure went over 150 systolic and he kept vomiting blood, about half a kilo all night in hospital, where they did all possible bloodtests and he has no illness, so he was given no medication.I was hit with similar weapons and I gave some details to the police: one of these is portable like a 6 kilo box, apart from the electricity socket on the wall it has a 30 feet long cable that goes down the kitchen sink and down the drain pipes to the bottom of the house and when hitting me with this beam weapon for hours from downstairs or wall to wall property they keep the taps running full blast with water so that the operators stay safe from electromagnetic radiation. The David Miscavige army of mercenaries has a second portable mode which needs to be connected to the TV antenna, this hits the heart or torso through the wall causing severe pain. But, the operator has to either watch TV or use his TV antenna for the weapon, he cannot do both.The third model is in a van and this is extremely heavy hitting: it hits with a type of beam that dehydrates or evaporates several litres of fluid-water from the body. To avoid collapsing with organ failure or going into a coma or fainting, I kept drinking one litre cranberry juice per hour on the average for 10 hours and this was just to keep me alive: I was dying with thirst, my skin was burning, my eyes stinging, my arms were swollen by one inch, my stomach stopped working and threw up my breakfast 10 hours later, my blood pressure at the hospital was 195/110 which the doctors believed was wrong reading then, 165/110, I had severe chest pains and could not eat any solid food for the next 36 hours. Another beam in this third Miscavige-Scientology directed energy weapon can hit you and cause you within seconds to vomit and wet yourself. This beam is not electromagnetic because after being evaporated from the first attack I had wrapped all my torso in several layers tinfoil, so that is a different type of beam that makes a human lose control of stomach and bladder by reflex within two seconds. At the Wishaw Hospital the only abnormality was high white cells and T cells. I got no heart disease or diabetes or urinary infection or any other pathology. I am staying there under observation, I need to get help from Institutes that are familiar with the health hazards to the victims of these weapons, for 3 reasons: 1. We agree with the Local Police Commander and the Wishaw Psychiatrists that if a demonstration of these beams is available they are willing to try it on themselves to have direct proof that hard-hitting weapons are being deployed against civilians by American Scientology, here in Scotland. 2. Physically I feel weaker and next time those mercenaries push the button on this weapon and hit me I will collapse with organ failure, I will not have again the stamina to keep drinking fluids and keep moving. The same goes for my ex-husband, here in Scotland. 3. There is a huge number of mysterious deaths and behaviour around American Scientology mostly and in Europe as well, which are described at the website: After being attacked with three different models of millimeter wave weapons by David Miscavige Scientology mercenaries, I believe from my personal experience that Lisa McPherson, the most famous dead Scientologist, had been hit with same weapons,and her weird behaviour, read the logs of her last 3 weeks alive, that she took of all her clothes and run in the street was because her skin was burning and also she had been "beamed" to throw up and wet her self. That she could not stand up nor sleep because she had been "evaporated" with the beam that causes traumatic loss of body water, that's why she was dehydrated, because even if she drank one litre of water a day she could not re-balance the evaporation-dehydration injury, so that's why she was in agony for many days. Also like me, her stomach had stopped working so she could not keep down any solid food.That all this agonizing 3 weeks to dying dehydrated and from embolism was because she was being hit through a wall by David Miscavige just for fun, but all civilians are ignorant how to help such a victim, so they could not assess her situation. I need to protect the survival and human rights of my ex-husband and me and make sure we do not end up disabled or dead. I also need to learn what treatment can heal me because I am still exhausted and weak one week after the attack and what else I can do .Do you think it's fair to remain a secret that there is a well developed range of these weapons being used to kill or cripple people when solving disputes, by totalitarian wealthy guys? Please get in touch as Wishaw Hospital would like to get in touch with therapists or health hazard specialists who know more about how to handle these weapons and how to recover from such attacks .I look forward to hearing from you Joanna Tel. 44-7909577243 Scotland
Posted by: Joanna | 06 February 2009 at 10:08