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    Coca has been, ancestrally, a sacred leaf. We, the indigenous, have had a profound respect toward it... a respect that includes that we don't "pisar" it (the verb "pisar" means to treat the leaves with a chemical substance, one of the first steps in the production of cocaine). In general, we only use it to acullicar: We chew it during times of war, during ritual ceremonies to salute Mother Earth (the Pachamama) or Father Sun or other Aymara divinities, like the hills. Thus, as an indigenous nation, we have never prostituted Mama Coca or done anything artificial to it because it is a mother. It is the occidentals who have prostituted it. It is they who made it into a drug. This doesn't mean that we don't understand the issue. We know that this plague threatens all of humanity and, from that perspective, we believe that those who have prostituted the coca have to be punished. - former Bolivian guerrilla leader and presidential candidate Felipe Quispe 2002 via Rigorous Intuition (link)

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13 March 2007



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I´m sure F.T. Marinetti and the CEOs of Corporate America (those ´lusty men of business,´ to paraphrase Valentine de Saint Point) would agree:

Crowley saw no use in the vaginal fluids nor did he think that women are divine, therefore he could not imagine lesbian sexmagick. He believed that 'man is the guardian of the Life of God; woman but a temporary expedient; a shrine indeed for the God, but not the God.' Women exist for the use of men. His ideal female: 'robust, vigorous, eager, sensible, hot and healthy.' [15] That is to say, his interest was in the woman's body and he wanted no spiritual or intellectual participation from her."[16]



Ordo Templi Orientis

Interesting what AO Spare had to say in regards to the obese and gluttonous:

Their practices prove their incapacity, they have no magic to intensify the normal, the joy of a child or healthy person, none to evoke their pleasure or wisdom from themselves.

Their methods depending on a morass of the imagination and a chaos of conditions, their knowledge obtained with less decency than the hyena his food, I say they are less free and do not obtain the satisfaction of the meanest among animals.

Self condemned in their disgusting fatness, their emptiness of power, without even the magic of personal charm or beauty, they are offensive in their bad taste and mongering for advertisement (48).

Discord in the Garden of Janus


Here´s the Valentine De Saint Point bit:

Lust excites energy and releases strength. Pitilessly it drove primitive man to victory, for the pride of bearing back a woman the spoils of the defeated. Today it drives the great men of business who run the banks, the press and international trade to increase their wealth by creating centers, harnessing energies and exalting the crowds, to worship and glorify with it the object of their lust. These men, tired but strong, find time for lust, the principal motive force of their action and of the reactions caused by their actions affecting multitudes and worlds.

Hemisphere Creep

Self condemned in their disgusting fatness, their emptiness of power, without even the magic of personal charm or beauty, they are offensive in their bad taste and mongering for advertisement.

Ever visit a shopping mall in America on a weekend?

Remember the slogan after 9/11? America...(legs spread) Open for Business.

In reality, it was... America: Open For Business.


Hemisphere Creep

He believed that 'man is the guardian of the Life of God; woman but a temporary expedient; a shrine indeed for the God, but not the God.' Women exist for the use of men.

It also describes imperialism and occupation rather nicely as well...


Hugo Chavez would be quite proud.

Hemisphere Creep

On the other side of the river, that is where that little gentleman of the North must be. Let's give him a big boo! Gringo, go home!


Coincidently, March 13th, the date of this post, is the birthday of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.

Hemisphere Creep

It´s time for Aphrodite to become death born.

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