...aka Pabst Blue Ribbon Louise Brooks Box aka Condoleezza Rice and Sausage Tactics (2006).
The Bush administration intentionally turned a blind eye as AQ Khan's black market network supplied Iran with nuclear raw material and technology. This is why Bush, Cheney and I. Lewis Libby (or is it G. Gordon Liddy?) exposed the identity of Valerie Plame. Her investigation into Khan's network was getting too close to the nuclear Wal-Mart's links to Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush. This is also why George W. Bush did not bomb Iran in 2003, when the media revealed the Ayatollah's regime was harboring al-Qaeda operatives. Harboring these operatives was a violation of the so-call 'Bush Doctrine;' yet Bush did not attack, so as to give the Iranian regime more time to further its nuclear ambitions and to undermine the 'sting operation' Plame's front company, Brewster-Jennings, had set into motion in order to destroy the AQ Khan network.
Bush and Cheney are essentially running a black market nuke operation out of the White House and are using US taxpayer dollars to fund it.
also see:
American Judas : Selling the Security of America and the World for 30 Pieces of Silver
...Dick Cheney knew about A.Q. Khan’s nuclear Walmart as early as 1989, and chose not to expose the network but to profit from it, which gives him the strongest motive to blow Valerie Plame’s cover. State sponsors of terror that were proven recipients of Cheney’s nuclear proliferation include Pakistan, Libya and possibly Iran. The links between Khan and Cheney involved suppliers from other countries designed to blur the source of the components, but research concludes individuals affiliated with collaborative companies such as Cognis and their investor Goldman Sachs would be the most obvious links in the chain. Such links also exist in the case of Donald Rumsfeld profiting through ABB’s $200 million sale of nuclear equipment to North Korea, which would prove that Halliburton profited from this example of nuclear proliferation as well.
[some links need updating]
Requires some revision. The top (Office of Special Plans--David Wurmser needs to be added) should be horizontal, not vertical. Last time I checked, Bill Luti was not at the top of the food chain.
[Fascism is...] “a supervirus which constantly evolves to accommodate changes in its habitat, producing a wide variety of new strains resistant to traditional prophylactics.”
Adorno viewed “the continued existence of National Socialism within democracy [as] more threatening than the continued existence of fascist tendencies against democracy.” His studies suggest that the potential for fascism was embedded in the fabric of mass consumer culture, which typically engenders weak personalities with high dependency needs that could easily be manipulated by commercial advertisers and political demagogues.
Prelude to Terror: The Rogue CIA and The Legacy of America's Private Intelligence Network
by Joseph A. Trento
After decades of writing and research about American intelligence, Joseph Trento has written the most authoritative indictment of CIA splinter groups, two generations of Bush family involvement in illegal financial networks, and the funding of the agents of terror. Prelude to Terror reveals the history of a corrupt group of spymasters-led by Ted Shackley-who were fired when Jimmy Carter became president, but who maintained their intelligence portfolio and used it to create a private intelligence network. After this rogue group helped engineer Carter's defeat in 1980 and allied with George H.W. Bush, these former CIA men planned and conducted what became the Iran-Contra scandal and, through the Saudis, allied the U.S. with extreme elements in Islam. The CIA's number-one front man, Edwin P. Wilson, was framed by Shackley and his cohorts so that Wilson's operations could be taken over. For the first time the story of how CIA director George H. W. Bush was recruited into this network, and brought it into the bosom of the Saudi royal family, is told in detail, as well as how this group's manipulation of the CIA bureaucracy allowed Osama bin Laden's fundraising to thrive as al Qaeda flourished under Saudi and CIA protection.
...U.S. Ambassador to Iran, Richard Helms, learned that the Shah had cancer in 1974. Former Director of Central Intelligence Helms promptly informed the CIA and Department of State with the result that, by 1976, George Bush's CIA was actively supporting and grooming the Khomeini forces. The subsequent takeover of the U.S. embassy in Teheran, the withholding of the U.S. hostages until after President Carter's defeat was assured, the Khomeini government itself and the Iran-Contra scandal proper were all outgrowths of this profound and long-standing relationship. It should be noted that parts of this relationship have been misunderstood as what has become known as "the October Surprise." Although there was massive collusion between the Reagan-Bush campaign and the Khomeini forces during the 1980 election campaign, there was no "deal" cut during the campaign. Rather, the "deal" was part of a covert operation begun years before and the collusion during the campaign was an outgrowth of it.
The real question is this: How did Pakistan and Turkey escaped US scrutiny while developing nuclear weapons and Turkey helped pay for them with drug money and technology?
08. Did George HW Bush supply arms to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war ?
11. In the early 1990s, were the US and Iran friends or enemies on the ground in Bosnia?
12. What role did Iran play in the reformation of the infamous Handzar division during the Bosnian conflict ?
How the U.S. and Iran have Cooperated to Sponsor Muslim Terror
Now we have the full story of the secret alliance between the Pentagon and radical Islamist groups from the Middle East designed to assist the Bosnian Muslims...
The Holocaust in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 1941-1945
US Strategy towards Iraq and Iran
Indications that the real strategy behind the seeming war on terror is the creation of a continuous line of Islamist states from Saudi Arabia to the the former Soviet Central Asian republics.
Report: Iran has 40,000 trained suicide bombers prepared to strike U.K., U.S. targets
Francois Genoud: Financier of Fascism
Over the years, Genoud paid French attorney Jacques Verges to defend Ramirez and Barbie and also covered the legal expenses of Eichmann before an Israeli court in 1961. He also subsidized Khomeini's prolonged exile in France when Iran was governed by Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.
Genoud's admiration for Khomeini is shared by Huber. "'He was a fantastic man," Huber said.
The Swastika and the Crescent
As Germany's defeat loomed during the final months of World War II, Adolf Hitler increasingly lapsed into delusional fits of fantasy.
Albert Speer, in his prison writings, recounts an episode in which a maniacal Hitler "pictured for himself and for us the destruction of New York in a hurricane of fire."
The Nazi fuehrer described skyscrapers turning into "gigantic burning torches, collapsing upon one another, the glow of the exploding city illuminating the dark sky."
The CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood
Radical Islam and the Republican Party
As Frank Gaffney’s article recounts, Grover’s [Norquist] own Islamic Institute was initially financed by one of the most notorious of these operatives, Abdurahman Alamoudi, a supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah who told the Annual Convention of the Islamic Association of Palestine in 1996, “If we are outside this country we can say ‘Oh, Allah destroy America.’
Reaction to the raids suggests the Feds inflicted serious injury on the Wahhabi lobby, the Saudi-backed extremist network that largely controls Islam in America. Officials of the targeted groups as well as their non-Muslim apologists--notably GOP operative Grover Norquist, the chief enabler of Islamic extremists seeking access to the White House--have condemned the raids as civil rights violations.
Upon perusing his speeches from 1998-99 I discovered that Pierce, who heads the so-called "National Alliance, " did indeed utter some most interesting(pre-Sept 11th)--if not prophetic--remarks about Osama bin Laden and bio-terrorism.
"New Yorkers who work in tall office buildings anything close to the size of the world trade center might consider wearing hard hats..." Pierce warned.
What is worth noting is the fact that the Iraqi -Al Qaeda links run through the Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Although the differences between the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and the secular Arab-fascist regime of Saddam Hussein are profound, a common denominator between them is their historical association with fascism, the Third Reich in particular
The Deal: Why is Washington going easy on Pakistan’s nuclear black marketers?
U.S. endorsed Iranian plans to build massive nuclear energy industry
In 1976, President Gerald R. Ford signed a directive that granted Iran the opportunity to purchase U.S. built reprocessing equipment and facilities designed to extract plutonium from nuclear reactor fuel.
A.Q. Khan Supplied Iran with Nuclear Weapon Design Information
In early March 2005, Pakistan acknowledged A.Q. Khan had provided centrifuges to Iran, though it denied having had any knowledge of the transactions.
On the Nuclear Edge
U.S.-Iran nuclear cooperation in the 1970s
By 1975, The U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, had signed National Security Decision Memorandum 292, titled "U.S.-Iran Nuclear Cooperation," which laid out the details of the sale of nuclear energy equipment to Iran projected to bring U.S. corporations more than $6 billion in revenue.
President Gerald R. Ford even signed a directive in 1976 offering Tehran the chance to buy and operate a U.S.-built reprocessing facility for extracting plutonium from nuclear reactor fuel. The deal was for a complete "nuclear fuel cycle", with all the dangerous consequences that would entail including the possibility of this plutonium being used sooner or later to make weapons. The Ford strategy paper said the "introduction of nuclear power will both provide for the growing needs of Iran's economy and free remaining oil reserves for export or conversion to petrochemicals."[3]
A number of declassified documents were found on the website of the President Ford Library and Museum in Ann Arbor, Michigan [5]. Two documents in particular, dated April 22, 1975 and April 20, 1976, show that the United States and Iran held negotiations for cooperation in the use of nuclear energy and the United States was willing to help Iran by setting up uranium enrichment and fuel reprocessing facilities [6]
Accordingly, vice-president Dick Cheney, secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz were all involved in backing Iran's Nuclear Program designed to extract plutonium from nuclear reactor fuel [7].
The Biblical Samson, of course, brought down a temple that killed himself and his enemies.
The title of Hersh's book comes from Israel's notion that once they have the Bomb, they are in a position to bring it all down on everyone if ever they feel cornered. It's the ultimate in Israeli security as a nation-state, if not for the security of humankind…The Bomb has been a hidden factor in U.S.-Israeli relations ever since the Eisenhower administration, but this is the first book [to] deal with Israeli relations from this perspective.
51 Documents : Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis
Zionist factions competed for the honor of allying to Hitler. By 1940-41, the "Stern Gang," among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the "Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization in Palestine (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the Side of Germany."
The Plot to Stigmatize '51 Documents'
Zionism in the Age of the Dictators
Zionist collaboration with fascism/Nazism in the 20th Century has been documented in extensive detail by such historians as Heinz Zollin Höhne in The Order of the Death's Head : The Story of Hitler's SS, Lenni Brenner in 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis (the quintessential work on this subject) , Zionism in the Age of Dictators (also by Brenner and available online in html format) Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, Edwin Black's The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine, Francis R. Nicosia's The Third Reich and the Palestine Question, Rudolf Vrba and Alan Bestic's I Cannot Forgive, and Rafael Medoff's The Deadening Silence: American Jews and the Holocaust. The Zionist-Neoconservative-Bush Axis may perhaps be a tragically similar repeat of the events documented in the aforementioned texts.
The Likud Party and the Birth of Hamas
Hamas is considered one of Israel's greatest threats, but the Islamic terrorist organization found its beginnings in the misguided Israeli effort to encourage the rise of a religious alternative that would undermine the popularity of the Palestine Liberation Organization and Yasir Arafat.
The strategy resulted in the birth of Hamas which rose from these Islamic roots. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was a member of the government when the policy was developed in the late 1970s.
Introduction to David Emory's Book Reviews
The Third Reich’s elaborate plans for postwar underground survival and continuity were predicated on the certainty that the multinational corporate community would preserve the Nazi infrastructure as a bulwark against communism during the (then) imminent Cold War.
For the Nazis, geopolitics dictated a profound interest in the Muslim peoples of what they called “The Earth Island.”--a giant, contiguous land mass that encompasses all of Europe, much of the Middle East, the former Soviet Union, India (including Pakistan at the time), and China. Stretching from the Straits of Gibraltar to the Pacific coasts of China and Russia, this land mass contains most of the world’s territory, population and natural resources—oil in particular. Control that land and you control the world. Accordingly, the Nazis built alliances with the various Muslim populations (Arabs in particular) that are indigenous to many of the most important petroleum-producing regions.
Bush Family Links to the Third Reich (National Archive Documents)
The Large-scale Money Laundering for the Nazis by President Bush's Grandfather and Maternal Great-Grandfather.
Gen. Butler Bares 'Fascist Plot' To Seize Government By Force: Representative of Wall St group asked him to lead army of 500,000 in march on capital.
NY Times headline, Nov. 29, 1934.
Bush - Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951
After the seizures in late 1942 of five U.S. enterprises he managed on behalf of Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, failed to divest himself of more than a dozen "enemy national" relationships that continued until as late as 1951, newly-discovered U.S. government documents reveal.
The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination
Will Bush Purge Nazi Collaborators in the G.O.P.?
The campaign may be over, but George [HW] Bush still needs to say what he plans to do with the 20-year-old Republican Heritage Groups Council, the ethnic outreach arm of the Republican National Committee. There is substantial evidence to suggest that the council was founded and continues to be led by people and organizations that collaborated with the Nazi occupation of Eastern Europe during the Second World War.
The Bush campaign scored a major success in September when it quickly discharged seven members of its ethnic coalition after a series of of news reports linked them to fascist, anti-Semitic or pro-Nazi organizations. But four of the seven discharged Bush ethnic leaders continue to hold leadership positions within the Heritage Groups Council.
George HW Bush and Pro-Fascist Republican Heritage Groups
Nazis and the Republican Party
The Bush-Rove-Schwarzenegger Nazi Nexus and the Destabilization of California
The Family That Preys Together
Pat Robertson and the White Separatist Movement
The Relationship Between The Bush Family and Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Frederick Clarkson (Eternal Hostility, Common Courage Press, 1997) reports that Moon has stated his goal is the "subjugation of the American government and population." (Clarkson's source: John Judis, "Rev. Moon's Rising Political Influence: His Empire Is Spending Big Money To Try To Win Favor With Conservatives," U. S. News and World Report, March 27, 1989.)
According to the same U. S. News article, Moon also said,History will make the position of Rev. Moon clear," and that "his enemies, the American people and government will bow down before him.
Clarkson reports that Moon has also said, "The entire world is our goal . . . Absolute obedience to the Father [Moon]-that one thing will bring certain victory . . . People here in America have to recognize the ability and power of Reverend Moon." (Excerpt from New Hope News, November 25, 1974, Reprinted in Frederick Miller's "Confusion at the Fronts, Part three," True Light Educational Ministry, 1996.)
On May 1, 1997, Moon told a group of followers that "the country that represents Satan's harvest is America (Unification News, June 1997.)
Rev. Moon Coronation in US Senate Office Bldg 2004
Codenamed Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.
Global Fascist Take Over For Dummies
Gen. Franks Doubts Constitution Will Survive WMD Attack
The Department of Homeland Security: When The Phoenix Comes Home To Roost
The Phoenix "concept" is that terror is an organizing principle of society. This includes every type of terror, from the A-Bomb that incinerated Hiroshima, to the "collective punishments" Israel uses to deny Palestinians jobs, health, education, pride. It s National Guardsmen patrolling airports, and hooded policemen armed with automatic rifles, searching cars without probable cause. It is color-coded warnings of terror attacks that never occur, and unsubstantiated reports brought to you by Network News.
Apocalypse Now: How Mankind Is Sleepwalking to the End of the Earth
"If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked."
Proverbs, 29:12
The word [liar] is derived from the Indo-European root, leugh, and the old-English, leogan: "to tell a lie". With the prefix, waer, "faith" or "pledge", we get the old-English, waerleogan, or "oath breaker". Waerleogan, in modern English, is Warlock: "a male witch, a demon".
When you have liars, trained in the demonic arts, controlling the highest seats of governmental authority, you will have liars controlling the information channels. When their lies fill the printed pages, loudspeakers, and TV screens, you will have liars administering the workplaces, marketplaces, schools, churches, and homes.
In a lying society, murder is an acceptable alternative to radically changing one's views. In lying societies, the virtues are brutishness, deceit, ... theft, debt, and suicide. He who is most menacing and monstrous is most popular.