Via GQ Magazine and Wayne Madsen Report:
(Image: Kuda Bux)
One of the other aspects of your life that struck me as a conflict between your experience and your scientific training was that you saw a UFO.
I saw an unidentified flying object. I’ve never believed that it came from Mars. I know enough physics to know that you can’t have vehicles that are tangible in nature flying from Mars, looking around, and then flying back. But I saw an object one night when I was preparing to give a speech to a Lions Club. There were about twenty-five of us men standing around. It was almost time for the Lions Club supper to start, which I would eat and then I would give a speech. I was in charge of fifty-six Lions Clubs in southwest Georgia back in the late ’60s. And all of a
sudden, one of the men looked up and said, “Look, over in the west!” And there was a bright light in the sky. We all saw it. And then the light, it got closer and closer to us. And then it stopped, I don’t know how far away, but it stopped beyond the pine trees. And all of a sudden it changed color to blue, and then it changed to red, then back to white. And we were trying to figure out what in the world it could be, and then it receded into the distance. I had a tape recorder—because as I met with members of Lions Clubs, I would dictate their names on the tapes so I could remember them—and I dictated my observations. And when I got home, I wrote them down. So that’s an accurate description of what I saw. It was a flying object that was unidentified. But I have never thought that it was from outer space.
One of the promises you made in 1976 was that if you were elected, you would look into the reports from Roswell and see if there had been any cover-ups. Did you look into that?
Well, in a way. I became more aware of what our intelligence services were doing. There was only one instance that I’ll talk about now. We had a plane go down in the Central African Republic—a twin-engine plane, small plane. And we couldn’t find it. And so we oriented satellites that were going around the earth every ninety minutes to fly over that spot where we thought it might be and take photographs. We couldn’t find it. So the director of the CIA came and told me that he had contacted a woman in California that claimed to have supernatural capabilities. And she went in a trance, and she wrote down latitudes and longitudes, and we sent our satellite over that latitude and longitude, and there was the plane.
That must have been surreal for you. You’re the president of the United States, and you’re getting intelligence information from a woman in a trance in California.
That’s exactly right.
How did your scientific mind process that?
With skepticism. Whether it was just a gross coincidence or…I don’t know. But that’s one thing that I couldn’t explain. As far as covering up possible flights from distant satellites or distant heavenly bodies, I don’t believe in that, and there’s no evidence that it was ever covered up. Or extraterrestrial people coming to earth, I don’t think that’s ever happened.
Wil S. Hylton
GQ Magazine
Apr 2006
The CIA's remote viewing was known by various cover names, including Stargate. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) also maintained a remote viewing program code named Sun Streak. The prototype CIA remote viewing program, run by Stanford Research Institute (SRI), was code named Project Scanate. Other CIA cover names for remote viewing included Centre Lane, Gondola Wish, and Grill Flame.
A former high-ranking official of Carter's National Security Council and officer in Naval Intelligence confirmed the existence of the CIA's remote viewing program and the use of para-psychics to locate secret Soviet missile bases and ballistic missile submarines. However, he conceded that both the U.S. and Soviet remote viewing programs were plagued with problems, including constant interference from "third parties."
After Stargate's exposure by ABC's Nightline in 1995, it was reportedly defunded. However, according to NSA sources, remote viewing remains an ultra secret project at the signals intelligence agency. According to those familiar with the program, the protocols followed have actually complied with U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive 18 (USSID 18), which implements the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). U.S. persons have been protected by the use of mandatory "two person control" (a viewer and a special handler) during remote viewing sessions, carried out in a super secure chamber at NSA Headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland. With recent disclosures about NSA's violations of FISA by order of the Bush White House, there are concerns that NSA's remote viewing program no longer complies with FISA or USSID 18.
Wayne Madsen Report
also see:
Project Star Gate and Stanford Research Institute (SRI)